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DICE Materials Data Vocabulary
Q21: DICE Materials Data Vocabulary
Q21: DICE Materials Data Vocabulary
Q22: characterization methods
Q22: characterization methods
Q30: spectroscopy
Q30: spectroscopy
Q31: x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy
Q38: scanning Auger electron microscopy
Q52: electron energy-loss spectroscopy
Q378: dielectric and impedance spectroscopy
Q379: dynamic mechanical spectroscopy
Q382: Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy
Q384: NMR
Q385: Raman
Q386: x-ray absorption spectroscopy
Q387: x-ray emission spectroscopy
Q388: XPS variable kinetic
Q632: Auger electron spectroscopy
Q681: Photoemission Yield Spectroscopy in Air
Q2829: hard x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy
Q37: microscopy
Q37: microscopy
Q38: scanning Auger electron microscopy
Q45: scanning transmission electron microscopy
Q51: transmission electron microscopy
Q334: analytical electron microscopy
Q335: atomic force microscopy
Q336: confocal microscopy
Q337: electron probe microanalysis
Q338: environmental scanning electron microscopy
Q339: field emission electron probe
Q340: optical microscopy
Q341: photoluminescence microscopy
Q342: scanning electron microscopy
Q343: scanning Kelvin probe
Q344: scanning probe microscopy
Q345: scanning tunneling microscopy
Q346: x-ray optical interferometry
Q48: scattering and diffraction
Q48: scattering and diffraction
Q49: x-ray diffraction
Q315: charge distribution
Q315: charge distribution
Q316: pulsed electroacoustic method
Q317: chromatography
Q317: chromatography
Q318: critical and supercritical chromatography
Q319: gas-phase chromatography
Q320: ion chromatography
Q321: liquid-phase chromatography
Q322: dilatometry
Q323: electrochemical
Q323: electrochemical
Q324: amperometry
Q325: potentiometry
Q326: voltammetry
Q353: osmometry
Q353: osmometry
Q354: freezing point depression osmometry
Q355: membrane osmometry
Q356: vapor pressure depression osmometry
Q357: profilometry
Q369: spectrometry
Q369: spectrometry
Q370: alpha spectrometry
Q371: energy dispersive x-ray spectometry
Q372: gamma spectrometry
Q373: ion mobility spectrometry
Q374: IR_FTIR spectrometry
Q375: mass spectrometry
Q376: secondary ion mass spectrometry
Q377: x-ray flourescence spectrometry
Q680: Glow discharge mass spectrometry
Q389: thermochemical
Q389: thermochemical
Q390: calorimetry
Q391: differential scanning calorimetry
Q392: differential thermal analysis
Q393: microcalorimetry
Q394: thermogravimetry
Q395: tomography
Q395: tomography
Q396: atom probe tomography
Q397: x-ray tomography
Q398: ultrasonic
Q399: viscometry
Q566: optical measurement
Q3078: mechanical properties measurement
Q3078: mechanical properties measurement
Q327: compression tests
Q328: creep tests
Q329: dynamic mechanical analysis
Q546: other mechanical characterization
Q3079: magnetic resonance
Q3080: sample processing
Q3081: magnetic properties analysis
Q3082: bio analysis
Q3083: physical chemistry analysis
Q3084: electrical properties measurement
Q3085: semiconductor device properties measurement
Q24: computational methods
Q24: computational methods
Q400: boundary tracking or level set
Q402: cellular automata
Q403: cluster expansion
Q404: crystal plasticity
Q405: density functional theory or electronic structure
Q406: dislocation dynamics
Q407: finite element analysis
Q408: machine learning
Q409: molecular dynamics
Q410: Monte Carlo methods
Q411: multiscale simulations
Q412: phase-field calculations
Q413: reverse Monte Carlo
Q414: self-consistent field theory
Q415: simulated experiment
Q416: statistical mechanics
Q3095: computer aided design
Q25: data origin
Q25: data origin
Q70: experiments
Q71: informatics and data science
Q72: simulations
Q73: theory
Q26: material types
Q26: material types
Q33: metals and alloys
Q33: metals and alloys
Q85: Fe-containing metals/alloys
Q85: Fe-containing metals/alloys
Q3459: iron material for powder metallurgy
Q3460: iron raw material
Q90: steels
Q90: steels
Q3461: carbon steel
Q3462: high tensile steel
Q3463: alloy steel
Q3464: stainless steel
Q3465: heat resistant steel
Q3466: low temperature steel
Q3467: bearing steel
Q3468: spring steel
Q3469: tool steel
Q3470: cast iron/cast steel
Q3471: nuclear steel
Q3472: other steel materials
Q3061: nonferrous metal
Q3061: nonferrous metal
Q32: rare earths
Q58: commercially pure metals
Q83: Al-containing metals/alloys
Q84: Cu-containing metals/alloys
Q86: intermetallics
Q87: Mg-containing metals/alloys
Q88: Ni-containing metals/alloys
Q91: superalloys
Q92: Ti-containing metals/alloys
Q693: Cu-containing
Q3475: zinc and its alloys
Q3476: tin and its alloys
Q3477: lead and its alloys
Q3478: gallium and its alloys
Q3479: indium and its alloys
Q3480: lithium and its alloys
Q3481: manganese and its alloys
Q3482: cobalt and its alloys
Q3483: beryllium and its alloys
Q3484: zirconium and its alloys
Q3485: titanium and its alloys
Q3486: tantalum and its alloys
Q3487: chromium and its alloys
Q3488: tungsten and its alloys
Q3489: molybdenum and its alloys
Q3490: niobium and its alloys
Q3491: silver and its alloys
Q3492: gold and its alloys
Q3493: platinum and its alloys
Q3494: palladium and its alloys
Q3495: iridium and its alloys
Q3496: uranium and its alloys
Q3497: nonferrous heat resistant materials
Q3498: materials for nuclear power
Q3499: other nonferrous metal and alloys
Q3473: magnetic material
Q3474: magnetic steel
Q46: semiconductors
Q46: semiconductors
Q47: silicon
Q110: II-VI
Q111: III-V
Q111: III-V
Q547: nitride semiconductors
Q113: extrinsic
Q115: n-type
Q116: p-type
Q712: intrinsic
Q3500: Group IV semiconductor
Q3501: other semiconductor material
Q74: biological
Q75: biomaterials
Q93: metamaterials
Q94: molecular fluids
Q95: organic compounds
Q95: organic compounds
Q96: amines
Q97: nitriles
Q98: carboxylic acids
Q99: organometallics
Q100: polymers
Q100: polymers
Q101: copolymers
Q102: elastomers
Q103: homopolymers
Q104: liquid crystals
Q105: polymer blends
Q106: rubbers
Q107: thermoplastics
Q108: thermosets
Q3062: half metal and compounds
Q3062: half metal and compounds
Q3502: carbon and carbon-based materials
Q3503: graphite
Q3504: diamond
Q3505: carbon nanotube
Q3506: graphene
Q3507: fullerene
Q3508: chalcogenide compound
Q3509: other non-metallic element and compound
Q3063: non-metallic inorganic materials
Q3063: non-metallic inorganic materials
Q76: ceramics
Q76: ceramics
Q77: carbides
Q78: cements
Q79: nitrides
Q80: oxides
Q81: perovskites
Q82: silicates
Q89: refractories
Q3510: composite oxide
Q3511: sulfide
Q3512: boride
Q3513: fluoride
Q3514: chloride
Q3515: bromide
Q3516: iodide
Q3517: other non-metallic inorganic materials
Q3064: other materials
Q3065: exploring new materials
Q27: properties addressed
Q27: properties addressed
Q206: chemical properties
Q206: chemical properties
Q207: composition
Q208: impurity concentration
Q209: molecular masses and distributions
Q683: molecular weights
Q3182: electronegativity
Q3183: oxidation number
Q3184: chemical bond
Q3185: electron configuration
Q3186: molecular structure
Q3188: equilibrium constant
Q3189: partition coefficient
Q3190: reaction rate
Q3191: electric potential
Q3192: osmotic pressure
Q3194: other chemical characteristics
Q210: colligative
Q211: corrosion
Q211: corrosion
Q212: crevice
Q213: erosion-corrosion
Q214: galvanic
Q215: high temperature
Q216: intergranular
Q217: pitting
Q218: selective leaching
Q219: stress corrosion
Q220: uniform
Q3195: delayed destruction
Q3196: corrosion fatigue
Q3197: other corrosion characteristics
Q221: crystallographic property
Q221: crystallographic property
Q222: crystalline lattice
Q223: orientation maps
Q224: space groups
Q225: textures
Q3187: crystal structure
Q3294: lattice constant
Q226: durability
Q226: durability
Q227: aging
Q228: coefficient of friction
Q229: thermal shock resistance
Q230: wear resistance
Q3198: heat resistance
Q3199: high temperature resistance
Q3200: oxidation resitance
Q3201: vibration resistance
Q3202: load count
Q3203: bending times
Q3204: weld crack
Q3205: heat cycle
Q3206: heat stress
Q3207: othe durability characteristics
Q231: electrical
Q231: electrical
Q232: band structure
Q233: conductivity
Q234: dielectric constant and spectra
Q235: dielectric dispersion
Q236: electrostrictive
Q237: piezoelectric
Q238: power conversion efficiency
Q239: pyroelectric
Q240: resistivity
Q241: spin polarization
Q242: superconductivity
Q243: thermoelectric
Q3208: photoelectric conversion
Q3209: electro-optic function
Q3210: ion conduction
Q3211: thermionic emission
Q3212: X-ray radiation
Q3213: insulation
Q3214: power storage
Q244: dynamic
Q244: dynamic
Q245: grain growth
Q246: phase evolution
Q247: phase transitions and ordering
Q3215: aggregation
Q3216: dispersion
Q3217: catalyst performance
Q3218: hydrogen storage properties
Q3219: analysis indicator
Q248: magnetic
Q248: magnetic
Q249: coercivity
Q250: Curie temperature
Q251: magnetization
Q252: permeability
Q253: saturation magnetization
Q254: susceptibility
Q3220: hard magnetism
Q3221: soft magnetism
Q3222: permeability
Q3223: saturation magnetic flux density
Q3224: magnetic domain
Q3225: domain wall displacement
Q3226: demagnetizing field
Q3227: maximum energy product
Q3228: iron loss
Q3229: Eddy current loss( vortex loss)
Q3230: hysteresis loss
Q3231: copper loss
Q3232: stress sensitivity
Q3233: other magnetic characteristics
Q255: mechanical property
Q255: mechanical property
Q256: acoustic emission
Q257: compression response
Q258: creep
Q259: deformation mechanisms
Q260: ductility
Q261: elasticity
Q262: fatigue
Q263: flexural response
Q264: fracture behavior
Q265: fracture toughness
Q266: hardness
Q267: impact response
Q268: phonon modes
Q269: plasticity
Q270: Poisson's ratio
Q271: shear response
Q272: force
Q273: stress-strain behavior
Q274: tensile response
Q275: tensile strength
Q276: viscoelasticity
Q277: yield strength
Q330: nanoindentation
Q331: shear or torsion tests
Q332: tension tests
Q333: wear tests
Q3234: high temperature tensile strength
Q3235: workability
Q3236: plastic workability
Q3237: superplasticity
Q3238: superelasticity
Q3239: proof stress
Q3240: abradability
Q3241: machinability
Q3242: weldability
Q3243: weld strength
Q3244: weld crack
Q3245: cracking susceptibility
Q3246: stress corrosion cracking
Q3247: fracture properties
Q3248: damping/anti-vibration
Q3249: brittleness
Q3250: low temperature brittleness
Q3251: hydrogen embrittlement
Q3252: hardening
Q3253: precipitation hardning
Q3254: age hardening
Q3255: work hardening
Q3256: quench hardening
Q3257: contact stiffness
Q3258: viscosity
Q3259: conatct depth
Q3260: shape memory effect
Q3261: other mechanical characteristic
Q278: optical property
Q278: optical property
Q279: index of refraction
Q280: luminescence
Q281: photoconductivity
Q347: differential refractive index
Q348: dynamic light scattering
Q349: ellipsometry
Q350: fractography
Q351: light scattering
Q352: quasi-elastic light scattering
Q3262: reflection
Q3263: absorbance
Q3264: transmittance
Q3265: polarization
Q3266: diffraction
Q3267: interference
Q3268: radiation
Q3269: color
Q3270: excitation
Q3271: laser
Q3272: wave guide
Q3273: nonlinear optical properties
Q3274: magneto-optical effect
Q3275: fluorescence
Q3276: phosphorescence
Q3277: luminescence
Q3278: other optical properties
Q282: rheological
Q282: rheological
Q276: viscoelasticity
Q283: complex modulus
Q284: viscosity
Q3193: surface tension
Q285: thermodynamic
Q285: thermodynamic
Q242: superconductivity
Q286: calorimetry profile
Q287: critical temperatures
Q288: crystallization temperature
Q289: density
Q290: glass transition temperature
Q291: grain boundary energies
Q292: heat capacity
Q293: heat of fusion
Q294: heat of solidification
Q295: interfacial energies
Q296: liquid crystal phase transition temperature
Q297: melting temperature
Q298: molar volume
Q299: phase diagram
Q300: phase stability
Q301: specific heat
Q302: surface energies
Q303: thermal conductivity
Q304: thermal decomposition temperature
Q305: thermal expansion
Q3279: thermal diffusivity
Q3280: heat resistance
Q3281: thermal shock resistance
Q3282: continuous cooling transformation diagram
Q3283: recrystallization
Q3284: solutionizing
Q3285: other thermal characteristics
Q306: toxicity
Q307: transport
Q307: transport
Q308: diffusivity
Q309: grain boundary diffusivity
Q310: interdiffusion
Q311: intrinsic diffusivity
Q312: mobilities
Q313: surface diffusivity
Q314: tracer diffusivity
Q3286: hydrogen diffusion
Q3287: other transport properties
Q3066: semiconductor properties
Q3066: semiconductor properties
Q3288: rectification
Q3289: amplification
Q3290: oscillation
Q3291: detection
Q3292: modulation
Q3293: bandgap
Q3295: differential thermal expansion
Q3296: thermal stress relief layer
Q3297: deposition by-product
Q3298: epitaxial layer quality
Q3299: dislocation density
Q3300: substrate curvature
Q3301: donor concentration
Q3302: acceptor concentration
Q3303: polarization effect
Q3304: two-dimensional electron cloud
Q3305: high voltage performance
Q3306: load current
Q3307: On resistance
Q3308: switching frequency
Q3309: leakage current
Q3310: dislocation
Q3311: defect
Q3312: pinhole
Q3313: gate threshold voltage
Q3314: current rise time/fall ttime
Q3315: normally on/off characteristics
Q3316: current collapse
Q3317: gate drive loss
Q3318: gate capacitance
Q3319: switching loss
Q3320: operating temperature
Q3321: high temperature operation
Q3322: thermal resistance
Q3323: stray load loss
Q3324: stray capacitance
Q3325: stray inductance
Q3326: current surge
Q3327: voltage surge
Q3067: radiation properties
Q3067: radiation properties
Q3328: radioactivity
Q3329: radiation
Q3330: radioactive decay
Q3331: radioactive substance
Q3332: radioactivation
Q3333: nuclear fuel
Q3334: radioactive decay
Q3335: radioactive absorption
Q3336: neutron absorption
Q3337: radiation resistance
Q3338: synchrotron radiation
Q3339: scintillation
Q3340: other radiation characteristics
Q3068: other material characteristics
Q28: structural features
Q28: structural features
Q34: phases
Q34: phases
Q198: crystalline
Q199: disordered
Q200: gas
Q201: liquid
Q202: melt
Q203: metastable
Q204: nonequilibrium
Q205: ordered
Q3105: amorphous
Q3106: precipitation
Q3107: eutectoid
Q3108: peritectic
Q3109: segregation
Q3110: crystallization/recrystallization
Q3111: phase transformation
Q3112: martensite
Q3113: equilibrium
Q3114: equilibrium diagram
Q3115: gas solubility
Q3116: other phase characteristics
Q56: microstructures
Q56: microstructures
Q3117: grain refinement
Q3118: grain size
Q3119: particle size distribution
Q3120: particle shape
Q3121: particle alignment
Q3122: particle density
Q3123: porosity
Q3124: grain boundary
Q3125: precipitation
Q3126: graphitization
Q3127: carbide precipitation
Q3128: nitride precipitation
Q3129: non-metallic inclusions
Q3130: intermetallic compound
Q3131: recrystallization
Q3132: flatness/curvature
Q3133: other microstructures
Q117: composites
Q117: composites
Q118: biological or green
Q119: fiber-reinforced
Q120: metal-matrix
Q121: nanocomposites
Q122: particle-reinforced
Q123: polymer-matrix
Q124: structural
Q3134: dispersion strengthening
Q3135: clad structure
Q3136: other composite structures
Q125: defects
Q125: defects
Q126: cracks
Q127: crazing
Q128: debonding
Q129: disclinations
Q130: dislocations
Q131: inclusions
Q132: interstitials
Q133: point defects
Q134: pores
Q135: vacancies
Q136: voids
Q3137: lattice defect
Q3138: color center/vacancy center
Q3139: heterophase precipitation
Q3140: metallurgical defect/casting defect
Q3141: other defect properties
Q137: engineered structures
Q137: engineered structures
Q580: multilayer structure
Q599: inorganic/organic hybrid
Q600: hollow structure
Q3069: epitaxial layer structure
Q3069: epitaxial layer structure
Q581: superlattice
Q590: heterostructure
Q596: quantum well
Q3142: activation layer
Q3143: stress relief layer
Q3144: other layer structure
Q3070: device structure
Q3070: device structure
Q564: MOS structure
Q586: field-effect transistor
Q587: metal-insulator-semiconductor
Q588: metal-insulator-metal
Q597: light-emitting device
Q3145: other device structure
Q3071: junction structure
Q3071: junction structure
Q569: barrier metal
Q582: p-n junction
Q583: tunnel junction
Q584: nanojunction
Q589: electrode
Q591: planar structure
Q593: trench
Q594: two-dimensional electron/hole gas
Q595: source/drain
Q677: inter level dielectric
Q3146: insulating film
Q3147: other junction structure
Q3072: peripheral structure
Q3072: peripheral structure
Q3148: wire bonding
Q3149: chip bonding
Q3150: heat dissipation sructure
Q3151: cooling structure
Q3152: sealed package
Q3153: other package structures
Q138: interfacial
Q138: interfacial
Q139: grain boundaries
Q140: interfacial surface area
Q141: magnetic domain walls
Q142: ordering boundaries
Q143: phase boundaries
Q144: stacking faults
Q145: surfaces
Q146: twin boundaries
Q3154: other interface structures
Q167: molecular structure
Q167: molecular structure
Q161: polydispersity
Q170: dendrimer
Q171: end-group composition
Q172: functionalization
Q173: gradient copolymer
Q177: surfactants
Q3073: branch length
Q3073: branch length
Q174: long-chain branching
Q176: short-chain branching
Q3074: branch structure
Q3074: branch structure
Q3155: liner macromolecule
Q3156: star macromolecule)
Q3157: comb macromolecule
Q3158: brush macromolecule
Q3075: arrangement of repeating unit
Q3075: arrangement of repeating unit
Q178: tacticity
Q3159: regioregularity
Q3160: geometric isomer
Q3076: copolymer structure
Q3076: copolymer structure
Q168: alternating copolymer
Q169: block copolymer
Q175: random copolymer
Q3161: graft copolymerization
Q3162: othre polymer structures
Q3163: regular macromolecule
Q3164: irregular macromolecule
Q179: morphologies
Q179: morphologies
Q60: amorphous
Q180: one-dimensional
Q181: two-dimensional
Q182: aligned
Q184: clusters
Q185: complex fluids
Q186: glass
Q187: layered
Q188: nanoparticles or nanotubes
Q190: particles or colloids
Q191: porous
Q192: quantum dots or wires
Q193: random
Q194: semicrystalline
Q195: thin film
Q196: wires
Q197: woven
Q3165: nano sheet
Q3166: other forms/morphologies
Q686: local structure
Q686: local structure
Q3167: local structure by element
Q3168: crystal structure
Q3169: ground state
Q3170: structural disturbance
Q3171: binding state
Q3172: electronic state
Q3173: vibration structure
Q3174: band structure
Q3175: valence
Q3176: other local structure
Q3077: other structual characteristics
Q29: synthesis and processing
Q29: synthesis and processing
Q417: homogenization
Q417: homogenization
Q418: homogenization
Q419: mechanical mixing
Q420: melt mixing
Q425: ultrasonication
Q426: casting
Q426: casting
Q427: centrifugal casting
Q428: continuous casting
Q429: die casting
Q430: investment casting
Q431: sand castingslip
Q432: slip casting
Q3349: gravity casting
Q3350: suction casting
Q3351: pressure casting
Q3352: ultrasonic treatment (casting)
Q3353: casting equipment design technology
Q3354: microstructure refinement (casting)
Q3355: other casting technology
Q434: deposition and coating
Q434: deposition and coating
Q435: atomic layer deposition
Q436: carbon evaporation coating
Q437: chemical vapor deposition
Q438: electrodeposition
Q439: electron beam deposition
Q440: evaporation
Q441: gold-sputter coating
Q442: ink-jet deposition
Q443: ion beam deposition
Q444: Langmuir-Blodgett film deposition
Q445: physical vapor deposition
Q446: plasma spraying
Q447: pulsed laser deposition
Q448: splatter
Q449: spin coating
Q450: sputter coating
Q494: solvent casting
Q3356: heat vapor deposition
Q3357: vacuum deposition
Q3358: metal organic chemical vapor deposition
Q3360: hot spray
Q3361: cold spray
Q3362: carburizing
Q3363: nitriding
Q3364: sulfurization
Q3365: surface treatment
Q3366: surface hardening
Q3367: other surface layer formation technology
Q451: forming
Q451: forming
Q452: cold rolling
Q453: drawing
Q454: extrusion
Q455: forging
Q456: hot pressing
Q457: hot rolling
Q459: molding
Q502: injection molding
Q507: vacuum molding
Q3368: Hot Isostatic Pressing
Q3369: Cold Isostatic Pressing
Q3370: additive manufacturing
Q3371: 3D printing
Q3372: cutting
Q3373: grinding
Q3374: polishing
Q3375: bending
Q3376: crimp
Q3377: drawing
Q3378: twisting
Q3379: welding
Q3380: lazer cutting/welding
Q3381: electrical discharge machining
Q3382: other processing technology
Q460: fractionation
Q460: fractionation
Q472: centrifugal disintegration
Q3383: classification
Q3384: filtration
Q3385: gravity separation
Q3386: wind separation
Q3387: adsorption separation
Q3388: electrolytic separation
Q3389: magnetic separation
Q3390: distillation separation
Q3391: ion exchange resin
Q3392: solvent extraction
Q3393: other separation technology
Q461: mechanical and surface
Q461: mechanical and surface
Q462: doctor blade or blade coating
Q463: focused ion beam
Q464: joining
Q465: lithography
Q465: lithography
Q3359: epitaxial layer formation
Q3398: resist coating
Q3399: photomask
Q3400: exposure
Q3401: mask aligner
Q3402: stepper
Q3403: maskless direct drawing
Q3404: electron beam drawing
Q3405: laser processing
Q3406: developing
Q3407: nanoimprint
Q3412: ion injection
Q3413: oxidation
Q3414: diffusion
Q466: polishing
Q467: sectioning
Q468: thermal plasma processing
Q3394: Chemical-Mechanical Polishing
Q3395: substrate cleaning
Q3396: electrode formation
Q3397: plating technology
Q469: powder processing
Q469: powder processing
Q456: hot pressing
Q471: ball milling
Q473: sintering
Q474: sponge iron process
Q484: reaction
Q484: reaction
Q487: curing
Q488: dissolving _ etching
Q488: dissolving _ etching
Q3408: dry etching(Reactive Ion Etching)
Q3409: dry etching(Electron Cycrotron Resonance)
Q3410: dry etching(others)
Q3411: wet etching
Q489: drying
Q492: reductive roasting
Q493: solution processing
Q3093: organic reaction
Q3093: organic reaction
Q485: addition polymerization
Q486: condensation polymerization
Q490: in-situ polymerization
Q491: post-polymerization modification
Q3458: other organic reaction technology
Q3451: annelation
Q3452: decomposition
Q3453: oxidation
Q3454: reduction
Q3455: rearrangement
Q3456: indicator
Q3457: catalyst
Q495: self-assembly
Q495: self-assembly
Q496: micelle formation
Q497: monolayer formation
Q498: self-assembly-assisted grafting
Q3086: heat treatment
Q3086: heat treatment
Q421: normalizing
Q422: recrystallization
Q423: stress relieving
Q424: tempering
Q475: quenching
Q475: quenching
Q476: air cooled _ quench
Q477: brine quench
Q478: furnace cooled
Q479: gas cooled
Q480: ice quench
Q481: liquid nitrogen quench
Q482: oil quench
Q483: water quench
Q548: aging
Q3415: annealing
Q3416: cooling curve
Q3417: solution heat treatment
Q3418: other heat treatment process
Q3087: mixing
Q3087: mixing
Q3419: melt mixing
Q3420: machanical mixing
Q3421: wet mixing
Q3422: ultrasonic treatment
Q3088: mechanochemical synthesis
Q3089: melting/solidification
Q3089: melting/solidification
Q433: vacuum arc melting
Q499: solidification
Q499: solidification
Q500: crystallization
Q501: directional solidification
Q503: precipitation
Q504: rapid solidification
Q505: seeded solidification
Q506: single crystal solidification
Q508: zone refining
Q3430: horizontal single crystal growth
Q3431: vertical single crystal growth
Q3423: purification
Q3424: vacuum melting/decompression melting
Q3425: electron beam melting
Q3426: high frequency induction heating
Q3427: resistance heating
Q3428: floating zone refining
Q3429: melting atmosphere
Q3432: technology of refractories/furnace material/crucible
Q3433: other melting/synthesis technology
Q3090: electrolysis
Q3090: electrolysis
Q3434: wet electrolysis
Q3435: molten salt electrolysis
Q3091: semiconductor fabrication
Q3091: semiconductor fabrication
Q3436: dicing
Q3437: die bonding
Q3438: wire bonding
Q3439: sealing
Q3440: package
Q3092: powder synthesis
Q3092: powder synthesis
Q458: milling
Q470: atomization
Q3441: atomization
Q3442: gas phase reaction
Q3443: solid phase reaction
Q3444: wet synthesis
Q3445: grain growth
Q3446: aggregation
Q3447: dispersion
Q3448: classification
Q3449: filtration
Q3450: other powder technology
Q3094: others