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Q3063: non-metallic inorganic materials

Vocabulary ID


Language Label Description Alias
English non-metallic inorganic materials non-metallic and inorganic material consisting of an element and oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, sulfer, boron, fluorine (this category includes ceramics) -
Japanese 非金属無機材料 各種元素と酸素、炭素、窒素、硫黄、ホウ素、フッ素等からなら非金属無機材料(セラミックスを含む) -
Language English
Label non-metallic inorganic materials
Description non-metallic and inorganic material consisting of an element and oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, sulfer, boron, fluorine (this category includes ceramics)
Language Japanese
Label 非金属無機材料
Description 各種元素と酸素、炭素、窒素、硫黄、ホウ素、フッ素等からなら非金属無機材料(セラミックスを含む)