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Q4182: Cathode

Vocabulary ID


Language Label Description Alias
English Cathode An electrode where reduction occurs through an electrochemical reaction. In a fuel cell, an electrode that reacts with an oxidant gas such as air. Air electrode
Japanese カソード 電気化学反応で還元が起こる電極。燃料電池では空気などの酸化剤ガスが反応する電極。 酸素極
Language English
Label Cathode
Description An electrode where reduction occurs through an electrochemical reaction. In a fuel cell, an electrode that reacts with an oxidant gas such as air.
Alias Air electrode
Language Japanese
Label カソード
Description 電気化学反応で還元が起こる電極。燃料電池では空気などの酸化剤ガスが反応する電極。
Alias 酸素極