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Q3999: Electrolyte membrane

Vocabulary ID


Language Label Description Alias
English Electrolyte membrane A membrane that provides ionic conduction between the air electrode and fuel electrode in a fuel cell. proton exchange membrane, Polymer electrolyte membrane, polymer electrolyte
Japanese 電解質膜 燃料電池で空気極と燃料極との間のイオン伝導を行う膜。 イオン交換膜, 固体高分子膜, 高分子電解質膜
Language English
Label Electrolyte membrane
Description A membrane that provides ionic conduction between the air electrode and fuel electrode in a fuel cell.
Alias proton exchange membrane, Polymer electrolyte membrane, polymer electrolyte
Language Japanese
Label 電解質膜
Description 燃料電池で空気極と燃料極との間のイオン伝導を行う膜。
Alias イオン交換膜, 固体高分子膜, 高分子電解質膜