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NIMS XAFS DB Project Materials Dictionary
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NIMS XAFS DB Project Materials Dictionary
Q713: NIMS XAFS DB Project Materials Dictionary
Q713: NIMS XAFS DB Project Materials Dictionary
Q2392: Element
Q2392: Element
Q2393: Hydrogen
Q2394: Helium
Q2395: Lithium
Q2396: Beryllium
Q2397: Boron
Q2398: Carbon
Q2399: Nitrogen
Q2400: Oxygen
Q2401: Fluorine
Q2402: Neon
Q2403: Sodium
Q2404: Magnesium
Q2405: Aluminum
Q2406: Silicon
Q2407: Phosphorus
Q2408: Sulfur
Q2409: Chlorine
Q2410: Argon
Q2411: Potassium
Q2412: Calcium
Q2413: Scandium
Q2414: Titanium
Q2415: Vanadium
Q2416: Chromium
Q2417: Manganese
Q2418: Iron
Q2419: Cobalt
Q2420: Nickel
Q2421: Copper
Q2422: Zinc
Q2423: Gallium
Q2424: Germanium
Q2425: Arsenic
Q2426: Selenium
Q2427: Bromine
Q2428: Krypton
Q2429: Rubidium
Q2430: Strontium
Q2431: Yttrium
Q2432: Zirconium
Q2433: Niobium
Q2434: Molybdenum
Q2435: Technetium
Q2436: Ruthenium
Q2437: Rhodium
Q2438: Palladium
Q2439: Silver
Q2440: Cadmium
Q2441: Indium
Q2442: Tin
Q2443: Antimony
Q2444: Tellurium
Q2445: Iodine
Q2446: Xenon
Q2447: Cesium
Q2448: Barium
Q2449: Lanthanum
Q2450: Cerium
Q2451: Praseodymium
Q2452: Neodymium
Q2453: Promethium
Q2454: Samarium
Q2455: Europium
Q2456: Gadolinium
Q2457: Terbium
Q2458: Dysprosium
Q2459: Holmium
Q2460: Erbium
Q2461: Thulium
Q2462: Ytterbium
Q2463: Lutetium
Q2464: Hafnium
Q2465: Tantalum
Q2466: Tungsten
Q2467: Rhenium
Q2468: Osmium
Q2469: Iridium
Q2470: Platinum
Q2471: Gold
Q2472: Mercury
Q2473: Thallium
Q2474: Lead
Q2475: Bismuth
Q2476: Polonium
Q2477: Astatine
Q2478: Radon
Q2479: Francium
Q2480: Radium
Q2481: Actinium
Q2482: Thorium
Q2483: Protactinium
Q2484: Uranium
Q2485: Neptunium
Q2486: Plutonium
Q2487: X-ray absorption edge
Q2487: X-ray absorption edge
Q2488: H K-edge
Q2489: He K-edge
Q2490: Li K-edge
Q2491: Be K-edge
Q2492: B K-edge
Q2493: C K-edge
Q2494: N K-edge
Q2495: O K-edge
Q2496: F K-edge
Q2497: Ne K-edge
Q2498: Na K-edge
Q2499: Mg K-edge
Q2500: Al K-edge
Q2501: Si K-edge
Q2502: P K-edge
Q2503: S K-edge
Q2504: Cl K-edge
Q2505: Ar K-edge
Q2506: K K-edge
Q2507: Ca K-edge
Q2508: Sc K-edge
Q2509: Ti K-edge
Q2510: V K-edge
Q2511: Cr K-edge
Q2512: Mn K-edge
Q2513: Fe K-edge
Q2514: Co K-edge
Q2515: Ni K-edge
Q2516: Cu K-edge
Q2517: Zn K-edge
Q2518: Ga K-edge
Q2519: Ge K-edge
Q2520: As K-edge
Q2521: Se K-edge
Q2522: Br K-edge
Q2523: Kr K-edge
Q2524: Rb K-edge
Q2525: Sr K-edge
Q2526: Y K-edge
Q2527: Zr K-edge
Q2528: Nb K-edge
Q2529: Mo K-edge
Q2530: Tc K-edge
Q2531: Ru K-edge
Q2532: Rh K-edge
Q2533: Pd K-edge
Q2534: Ag K-edge
Q2535: Cd K-edge
Q2536: In K-edge
Q2537: Sn K-edge
Q2538: Sb K-edge
Q2539: Te K-edge
Q2540: I K-edge
Q2541: Xe K-edge
Q2542: Cs K-edge
Q2543: Ba K-edge
Q2544: La K-edge
Q2545: Ce K-edge
Q2546: Pr K-edge
Q2547: Nd K-edge
Q2548: Pm K-edge
Q2549: Sm K-edge
Q2550: Eu K-edge
Q2551: Gd K-edge
Q2552: Tb K-edge
Q2553: Dy K-edge
Q2554: Ho K-edge
Q2555: Er K-edge
Q2556: Tm K-edge
Q2557: Yb K-edge
Q2558: Lu K-edge
Q2559: Hf K-edge
Q2560: Ta K-edge
Q2561: W K-edge
Q2562: Re K-edge
Q2563: Os K-edge
Q2564: Ir K-edge
Q2565: Pt K-edge
Q2566: Au K-edge
Q2567: Hg K-edge
Q2568: Tl K-edge
Q2569: Pb K-edge
Q2570: Bi K-edge
Q2571: Po K-edge
Q2572: At K-edge
Q2573: Rn K-edge
Q2574: Fr K-edge
Q2575: Ra K-edge
Q2576: Ac K-edge
Q2577: Th K-edge
Q2578: Pa K-edge
Q2579: U K-edge
Q2580: Np K-edge
Q2581: Pu K-edge
Q2582: Mg L3-edge
Q2583: Al L3-edge
Q2584: Si L3-edge
Q2585: P L3-edge
Q2586: S L3-edge
Q2587: Cl L3-edge
Q2588: Ar L3-edge
Q2589: K L3-edge
Q2590: Ca L3-edge
Q2591: Sc L3-edge
Q2592: Ti L3-edge
Q2593: V L3-edge
Q2594: Cr L3-edge
Q2595: Mn L3-edge
Q2596: Fe L3-edge
Q2597: Co L3-edge
Q2598: Ni L3-edge
Q2599: Cu L3-edge
Q2600: Zn L3-edge
Q2601: Ga L3-edge
Q2602: Ge L3-edge
Q2603: As L3-edge
Q2604: Se L3-edge
Q2605: Br L3-edge
Q2606: Kr L3-edge
Q2607: Rb L3-edge
Q2608: Sr L3-edge
Q2609: Y L3-edge
Q2610: Zr L3-edge
Q2611: Nb L3-edge
Q2612: Mo L3-edge
Q2613: Tc L3-edge
Q2614: Ru L3-edge
Q2615: Rh L3-edge
Q2616: Pd L3-edge
Q2617: Ag L3-edge
Q2618: Cd L3-edge
Q2619: In L3-edge
Q2620: Sn L3-edge
Q2621: Sb L3-edge
Q2622: Te L3-edge
Q2623: I L3-edge
Q2624: Xe L3-edge
Q2625: Cs L3-edge
Q2626: Ba L3-edge
Q2627: La L3-edge
Q2628: Ce L3-edge
Q2629: Pr L3-edge
Q2630: Nd L3-edge
Q2631: Pm L3-edge
Q2632: Sm L3-edge
Q2633: Eu L3-edge
Q2634: Gd L3-edge
Q2635: Tb L3-edge
Q2636: Dy L3-edge
Q2637: Ho L3-edge
Q2638: Er L3-edge
Q2639: Tm L3-edge
Q2640: Yb L3-edge
Q2641: Lu L3-edge
Q2642: Hf L3-edge
Q2643: Ta L3-edge
Q2644: W L3-edge
Q2645: Re L3-edge
Q2646: Os L3-edge
Q2647: Ir L3-edge
Q2648: Pt L3-edge
Q2649: Au L3-edge
Q2650: Hg L3-edge
Q2651: Tl L3-edge
Q2652: Pb L3-edge
Q2653: Bi L3-edge
Q2654: Po L3-edge
Q2655: At L3-edge
Q2656: Rn L3-edge
Q2657: Fr L3-edge
Q2658: Ra L3-edge
Q2659: Ac L3-edge
Q2660: Th L3-edge
Q2661: Pa L3-edge
Q2662: U L3-edge
Q2663: Np L3-edge
Q2664: Pu L3-edge
Q2665: S L2-edge
Q2666: Cl L2-edge
Q2667: Ar L2-edge
Q2668: K L2-edge
Q2669: Ca L2-edge
Q2670: Sc L2-edge
Q2671: Ti L2-edge
Q2672: V L2-edge
Q2673: Cr L2-edge
Q2674: Mn L2-edge
Q2675: Fe L2-edge
Q2676: Co L2-edge
Q2677: Ni L2-edge
Q2678: Cu L2-edge
Q2679: Zn L2-edge
Q2680: Ga L2-edge
Q2681: Ge L2-edge
Q2682: As L2-edge
Q2683: Se L2-edge
Q2684: Br L2-edge
Q2685: Kr L2-edge
Q2686: Rb L2-edge
Q2687: Sr L2-edge
Q2688: Y L2-edge
Q2689: Zr L2-edge
Q2690: Nb L2-edge
Q2691: Mo L2-edge
Q2692: Tc L2-edge
Q2693: Ru L2-edge
Q2694: Rh L2-edge
Q2695: Pd L2-edge
Q2696: Ag L2-edge
Q2697: Cd L2-edge
Q2698: In L2-edge
Q2699: Sn L2-edge
Q2700: Sb L2-edge
Q2701: Te L2-edge
Q2702: I L2-edge
Q2703: Xe L2-edge
Q2704: Cs L2-edge
Q2705: Ba L2-edge
Q2706: La L2-edge
Q2707: Ce L2-edge
Q2708: Pr L2-edge
Q2709: Nd L2-edge
Q2710: Pm L2-edge
Q2711: Sm L2-edge
Q2712: Eu L2-edge
Q2713: Gd L2-edge
Q2714: Tb L2-edge
Q2715: Dy L2-edge
Q2716: Ho L2-edge
Q2717: Er L2-edge
Q2718: Tm L2-edge
Q2719: Yb L2-edge
Q2720: Lu L2-edge
Q2721: Hf L2-edge
Q2722: Ta L2-edge
Q2723: W L2-edge
Q2724: Re L2-edge
Q2725: Os L2-edge
Q2726: Ir L2-edge
Q2727: Pt L2-edge
Q2728: Au L2-edge
Q2729: Hg L2-edge
Q2730: Tl L2-edge
Q2731: Pb L2-edge
Q2732: Bi L2-edge
Q2733: Po L2-edge
Q2734: At L2-edge
Q2735: Rn L2-edge
Q2736: Fr L2-edge
Q2737: Ra L2-edge
Q2738: Ac L2-edge
Q2739: Th L2-edge
Q2740: Pa L2-edge
Q2741: U L2-edge
Q2742: Np L2-edge
Q2743: Pu L2-edge
Q2744: S L1-edge
Q2745: Cl L1-edge
Q2746: Ar L1-edge
Q2747: K L1-edge
Q2748: Ca L1-edge
Q2749: Sc L1-edge
Q2750: Ti L1-edge
Q2751: V L1-edge
Q2752: Cr L1-edge
Q2753: Mn L1-edge
Q2754: Fe L1-edge
Q2755: Co L1-edge
Q2756: Ni L1-edge
Q2757: Cu L1-edge
Q2758: Zn L1-edge
Q2759: Ga L1-edge
Q2760: Ge L1-edge
Q2761: As L1-edge
Q2762: Se L1-edge
Q2763: Br L1-edge
Q2764: Kr L1-edge
Q2765: Rb L1-edge
Q2766: Sr L1-edge
Q2767: Y L1-edge
Q2768: Zr L1-edge
Q2769: Nb L1-edge
Q2770: Mo L1-edge
Q2771: Tc L1-edge
Q2772: Ru L1-edge
Q2773: Rh L1-edge
Q2774: Pd L1-edge
Q2775: Ag L1-edge
Q2776: Cd L1-edge
Q2777: In L1-edge
Q2778: Sn L1-edge
Q2779: Sb L1-edge
Q2780: Te L1-edge
Q2781: I L1-edge
Q2782: Xe L1-edge
Q2783: Cs L1-edge
Q2784: Ba L1-edge
Q2785: La L1-edge
Q2786: Ce L1-edge
Q2787: Pr L1-edge
Q2788: Nd L1-edge
Q2789: Pm L1-edge
Q2790: Sm L1-edge
Q2791: Eu L1-edge
Q2792: Gd L1-edge
Q2793: Tb L1-edge
Q2794: Dy L1-edge
Q2795: Ho L1-edge
Q2796: Er L1-edge
Q2797: Tm L1-edge
Q2798: Yb L1-edge
Q2799: Lu L1-edge
Q2800: Hf L1-edge
Q2801: Ta L1-edge
Q2802: W L1-edge
Q2803: Re L1-edge
Q2804: Os L1-edge
Q2805: Ir L1-edge
Q2806: Pt L1-edge
Q2807: Au L1-edge
Q2808: Hg L1-edge
Q2809: Tl L1-edge
Q2810: Pb L1-edge
Q2811: Bi L1-edge
Q2812: Po L1-edge
Q2813: At L1-edge
Q2814: Rn L1-edge
Q2815: Fr L1-edge
Q2816: Ra L1-edge
Q2817: Ac L1-edge
Q2818: Th L1-edge
Q2819: Pa L1-edge
Q2820: U L1-edge
Q2821: Np L1-edge
Q2822: Pu L1-edge
Q4178: P L2-edge
Q2823: Electron
Q2823: Electron
Q2824: K-shell electron
Q3038: 2s electron
Q3042: 3d electron
Q3043: 1s electron
Q3044: 2p electron
Q3044: 2p electron
Q3039: 2p1/2 electron
Q3040: 2p3/2 electron
Q3045: 3s electron
Q3046: 3p electron
Q3046: 3p electron
Q3041: 3p3/2 electron
Q3047: 3p1/2 electron
Q3048: 4d electron
Q3049: 4f electron
Q3050: 5s electron
Q3051: 5p electron
Q3052: 4s electron
Q3053: 4p electron
Q3706: Valence electron
Q3733: L-shell electron
Q3733: L-shell electron
Q2825: L3-shell electron
Q2826: L2-shell electron
Q2827: L1-shell electron
Q2828: Chemicals
Q2828: Chemicals
Q714: Organic materials
Q714: Organic materials
Q717: Acetate
Q717: Acetate
Q1349: Cobalt(II) acetate tetrahydrate
Q1379: Chromium acetate hydrous
Q1412: Copper acetate
Q1454: Iron(III) acetate (basic)
Q1547: Manganese(II) acetate tetraihydrate
Q1617: Nickel acetate hydrous
Q1638: Palladium(II) acetate
Q1659: Rhodium(II) acetate dimer
Q1784: Zinc acetate dihydrate
Q1823: Zirconium oxyacetate, anhydrous
Q1831: Lead(II) acetate, anhydrous
Q1832: Lead(II) acetate trihydrate
Q2313: Silver acetate
Q2388: Cobalt(II) acetate
Q3772: Cadmium(II) acetate dihydrate
Q3880: Cerium(III) acetate
Q4091: Chromium(II) acetate
Q4116: Nickel(II) diacetate
Q4162: Mercury(II) acetate
Q733: Organometal
Q733: Organometal
Q1566: Ammonium hepta molybdate tetraihydrate
Q1639: Tetraamminepalladium(II) choride monohydrate
Q1669: Tris(dipivaloylmethanato)ruthenium
Q1765: Tungsten carbonyl
Q2289: Nickel(II) acetate, tetrahydrate
Q2290: bis(pentafluorophenylgold(I))(mu-1,4-diisocynanobenzen)
Q2291: Phenyl Isocyanatobenzen Au(I)
Q2310: Ammonium perrhenate
Q2319: Copper bis(2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-3,5-heptanedionate)
Q2382: Nonacarbonyldiiron
Q2383: Octacarbonyldicobalt
Q3760: Nickel(cyclam), 2Cl
Q3796: Selenourea
Q3806: Carboplatin
Q3811: Methaneseleninic acid
Q3822: Manganese-nitronyl nitroxide
Q3832: Zinc diethyldithiocarbamate
Q3834: Mn(III) hydroxylamine
Q3858: Tetraphenyl porphine V(IV) oxide
Q3867: N,N’-dimethyl-N,N’-bis(2-mercaptoethyl)-1,3-propanediamine Nickel(II)
Q3868: 1,2-bis(4-mercapto-3,3-dimethyl-2-thiabutyl)-benzene nickel(II)
Q3876: Silver diethyldithiocarbamate
Q4137: Monomethylarsonic acid
Q4144: Trimethylarsine oxide
Q4146: Dimethylarsinic acid
Q741: Phthalocyanine
Q741: Phthalocyanine
Q1348: Cobalt(II) phthalocyanine
Q1410: Copper phthalocyanine
Q1458: Iron(II) phthalocyanine
Q1541: Manganese(II) phthalocyanine
Q1613: Nickel(II) phthalocyanine
Q1782: Zinc phthalocyanine
Q1272: Acetylacetonate
Q1272: Acetylacetonate
Q1350: Cobalt(III) acetylacetonate
Q1378: Chromium(III) acetylacetonate
Q1411: Copper(II) acetylacetonate
Q1461: Iron(III) acetylacetonate
Q1516: Iridium(III) acetylacetonate
Q1546: Manganese(III) acetylacetonate
Q1618: Nickel(II) acetylacetonate
Q1783: Zinc(II) acetylacetonate hydrous
Q3758: Nickel(II) acetylacetonate dihydrate
Q3856: Vanadyl acetylacetonate
Q2283: Cyanide
Q2283: Cyanide
Q2317: Silver Thiocyanate
Q2318: Potassium Silver Cyanide
Q3787: Potassium hexacyanocobaltate (III)
Q4111: Cobalt(II) thiocyanate
Q4118: Nickel(II) cyanide tetrahydrate
Q4119: Nickel(II) thiocyanate
Q2830: Sulfadiazine
Q2830: Sulfadiazine
Q1298: Silver(I) sulfadiazine
Q2831: Pentafluoropropionic acid
Q2831: Pentafluoropropionic acid
Q1299: Silver pentafluoropropionate
Q2832: 4-Cyclohexylbutyric acid
Q2832: 4-Cyclohexylbutyric acid
Q1300: Silver cyclohexanebutyrate
Q2833: Heptafluorobutyric acid
Q2833: Heptafluorobutyric acid
Q1301: Silver heptafluorobutyrate
Q1657: Rhodium(II) heptafluorobutyrate dimer
Q2834: P-Toluenesulfonic acid
Q2834: P-Toluenesulfonic acid
Q1302: Silver p-toluenesulfonate
Q2835: Lactic acid
Q2835: Lactic acid
Q1303: Silver lactate
Q2836: Formic acid
Q2836: Formic acid
Q1404: Cesium formate
Q2837: Tetraethylammonium
Q2837: Tetraethylammonium
Q2293: Tetraethylammonium tetrachloroferrate(III)
Q2838: Tetraphenylporphyrin
Q2838: Tetraphenylporphyrin
Q2305: 5,10,15,20-Tetraphenyl-21H,23H-porphine Cobalt(II)
Q3704: Supporting organic materials
Q3704: Supporting organic materials
Q2386: Aluminum Foil Double-Coated with Conductive Acrylic Adhesive
Q3655: Scotch tape
Q4031: Thiophene
Q4031: Thiophene
Q4064: 2,2'-Bithiophene
Q4072: Dibenzothiophene sulfone
Q4032: Thiol
Q4032: Thiol
Q4065: 2-naphthalenethiol
Q4083: Triphenylmethyl mercaptan
Q4033: Salicylic acid
Q4033: Salicylic acid
Q4066: 5-Sulfosalicylic acid dihydrate
Q4034: Sulfoxide
Q4034: Sulfoxide
Q4074: Dibenzyl sulfoxide
Q4078: Phenyl sulfoxide
Q4035: Thiazine
Q4035: Thiazine
Q4077: Phenothiazine
Q4081: Thianthrene
Q4036: Sulfanylbenzoic acid
Q4036: Sulfanylbenzoic acid
Q4082: Thiosalicylic acid
Q4039: Arsonic acid
Q4049: Organic sulfide
Q4049: Organic sulfide
Q4073: Dibenzyl disulfide
Q4084: diphenyl disulfide
Q4061: Organic sulfate
Q4061: Organic sulfate
Q4080: Sodium dodecyl sulfate
Q715: Inorganic materials
Q715: Inorganic materials
Q718: Electrolyte solution
Q718: Electrolyte solution
Q3783: Cadmium(II) electrolyte solution
Q3790: Sodium selenite(IV) electrolyte solution
Q3791: Sodium selenide(II) electrolyte solution
Q3819: Zirconium electrolyte solution
Q3830: Zinc electrolyte solution
Q3840: Copper(I) electrolyte solution
Q3841: Ferrous(II) electrolyte solution
Q3842: Lead(II) electrolyte solution
Q3843: Yttrium(III) electrolyte solution
Q719: Borate
Q719: Borate
Q1786: Zinc hexaborate
Q720: Boride
Q720: Boride
Q1316: Barium boride
Q1341: Cerium boride
Q1385: Chromium boride
Q1386: Chromium diboride
Q1469: Iron boride
Q1529: Lanthanum boride
Q1551: Manganese boride
Q1575: Molybdenum boride
Q1590: Niobium monoboride
Q1591: Niobium diboride
Q1713: Tantalum monoboride
Q1714: Tantalum diboride
Q1735: Titanium boride
Q1754: Vanadium boride
Q1766: Tungsten boride
Q1816: Zirconium boride
Q721: Bromide
Q721: Bromide
Q1305: Gold(III) bromide
Q1309: Hydrogen tetrabromoaurate(III) hydrous
Q1342: Cerium(III) bromide
Q1356: Cobalt(II) bromaide, anhydrous
Q1387: Chromium tribromide hydrous
Q1401: Cesium bromide, anhydrous
Q1418: Copper(II) bromide, anhydrous
Q1456: Iron(II) bromide, anhydrous
Q1470: Iron(III) bromide, anhydrous
Q1504: Indium bromide, anhydrous
Q1530: Lanthanum bromide, anhydrous
Q1540: Manganese(II) bromide, anhydrous
Q1592: Niobium(V) bromide, anhydrous
Q1609: Neodymium bromide, anhydrous
Q1622: Nickel bromaide, anhydrous
Q1640: Palladium(II) bromide, anhydrous
Q1650: Platinum(II) bromide, anhydrous
Q1684: Antimony(III) bromide, anhydrous
Q1694: Tin(II) bromide, anhydrous
Q1776: Ytterbium bromide, anhydrous
Q1792: Zinc bromide, anhydrous
Q1845: Barium(II) bromide, anhydrous
Q1846: Barium(II) bromide dihydrate
Q1855: Tantalum(V) bromide, anhydrous
Q1857: Tungsten(V) bromide, anhydrous
Q2352: Sodium bromide
Q3815: Gallium bromide electrolyte solution
Q3871: Potassium bromide, anhydrous
Q3872: Rubidium bromide, anhydrous
Q3874: Lithium bromide, anhydrous
Q3964: Lead(II) Bromide
Q4085: Calcium bromide
Q4086: Calcium bromide hydrate
Q722: Carbide
Q722: Carbide
Q1573: Molybdenum(II) carbide
Q1593: Niobium carbide
Q1715: Tantalum carbide
Q1736: Titanium carbide
Q1755: Vanadium carbide
Q1761: Ditungsten carbide
Q1767: Tungsten carbide
Q1817: Zirconium carbide
Q2304: Palladium Carbide
Q2337: Aluminum carbide
Q2368: Silicon carbide
Q3665: Iron carbide
Q3881: Hägg carbide
Q3946: Vanadium carbide
Q4050: Boron carbide
Q723: Carbonate
Q723: Carbonate
Q1275: Silver(I) carbonate
Q1320: Barium(II) carbonate (gamma-type)
Q1340: Cerium(III) carbonate hydrous
Q1359: Cobalt(II) carbonate (basic)
Q1399: Cesium carbonate, anhydrous
Q1422: Copper(II) carbonate
Q1520: Lanthanum carbonate, anhydrous
Q1555: Manganese(II) carbonate
Q1626: Nickel carbonate (basic)
Q1627: Nickel carbonate hydrous
Q1781: Zinc carbonate basic tetraihydrate
Q1835: Lead(II) carbonate
Q2342: Calcium carbonate
Q2355: Sodium hydrogen carbonate
Q2356: Sodium carbonate
Q3664: Iron(II) carbonate
Q3672: Zinc carbonate
Q3684: Strontium carbonate
Q3749: Yttrium(III) carbonate
Q3753: Yttrium doped calcite
Q3775: Cadmium carbonate
Q3878: Ankerite
Q4177: Uranium(VI) tricarbonate
Q724: Chlorate
Q724: Chlorate
Q762: Silver(I) perchlorate monohydrate
Q1287: Silver(I) chlorate
Q1288: Silver(I) perchlorate monohydrate
Q1289: Silver(I) perchlorate hydrous
Q1290: Silver(I) perchlorate
Q1403: Cesium perchlorate
Q3759: Nickel(cyclam)acetonitrile perchlorate
Q725: Chloride
Q725: Chloride
Q1286: Silver(I) chloride, anhydrous
Q1306: Gold(III) chloride hydrous
Q1307: Gold(III) chloride
Q1310: Tetrachloroauric(III) acid tetraihydrate
Q1311: Potassium gold(III) chloride
Q1318: Barium(II) chloride dihydrate
Q1319: Barium(II) chloride, anhydrous
Q1343: Cerium(III) chloride hydrous
Q1344: Cerium(III) chloride
Q1358: Cobalt(II) chloraide, anhydrous
Q1388: Chromium trichloride, anhydrous
Q1402: Cesium chloride, anhydrous
Q1420: Copper(II) chloride dihydrate
Q1421: Copper(II) chloride, anhydrous
Q1438: Erbium(III) chloride hexahydrate
Q1444: Europium chloride hydrous
Q1445: Europium chloride, anhydrous
Q1471: Iron(II) chloride tetraihydrate
Q1472: Iron(II) chloride, anhydrous
Q1473: Iron(III) chloride hexahydrate
Q1474: Iron(III) chloride, anhydrous
Q1505: Indium(III) chloride hydrous
Q1506: Indium chloride, anhydrous
Q1531: Lanthanum chloride heptahydrate
Q1532: Lanthanum chloride, anhydrous
Q1553: Manganese(II) chloride tetraihydrate
Q1554: Manganese(II) chloride, anhydrous
Q1576: Molybdenum(V) chloride, anhydrous
Q1594: Niobium(V) chloride, anhydrous
Q1610: Neodymium chloride, anhydrous
Q1624: Nickel chloraide hexahydrate
Q1625: Nickel chloraide, anhydrous
Q1641: Palladium(II) chloride dihydrate
Q1642: Palladium(II) chloride, anhydrous
Q1651: Platinum(II) chloride, anhydrous
Q1652: Platinum(IV) chloride, hydrous
Q1662: Rhodium chloride hydrous
Q1663: Rhodium chloride, anhydrous
Q1665: Chloropentaammineruthenium(II) chloride
Q1666: Pentaamminechlororuthenium(III) chloride
Q1667: Hexaammineruthenium(II) chloride
Q1668: Hexaammineruthenium(III) chloride
Q1670: Ruthenium chloride hydrous
Q1671: Ruthenium chloride, anhydrous
Q1672: Ruthenium(III) nitrosyl chloride hydrous
Q1685: Antimony(III) chloride, anhydrous
Q1696: Tin(II) chloride hydrous
Q1697: Tin(II) chloride, anhydrous
Q1698: Tin(IV) chloride hydrous
Q1724: Terbium(III) chloride hydrous
Q1725: Terbium(III) chloride, anhydrous
Q1779: Ytterbium chloride hexahydrate
Q1794: Zinc chloride, anhydrous
Q1818: Zirconium chloride, anhydrous
Q1836: Lead(II) chloride, anhydrous
Q1851: Copper(I) chloride, anhydrous
Q1852: Iridium(III) chloride, anhydrous
Q1853: Iridium(III) chloride trihydrate
Q1854: Iridium(IV) chloride, anhydrous
Q1856: Tantalum(V) chloride, anhydrous
Q1858: Tungsten(V) chloride, anhydrous
Q1859: Tungsten(VI) chloride, anhydrous
Q2287: Potassium tetrachloro platinate
Q2288: Platinum hexachloro platinate hexahydrate
Q2299: Molybdenum(V) chloride
Q2303: Tetraamminepalladium(II) chloride
Q2307: Tin(II) chloride dihydrate
Q2308: Tin(IV) chloride pentahydrate
Q2322: Rhodium(III) chloride
Q2323: Platinum(II) chloride
Q2347: Calcium chloride
Q2348: Sodium chloride
Q2349: Potassium chloride
Q2391: Potassium tetrachloropalladate (II)
Q3774: Cadmium(II) chloride
Q3802: Potassium tetrachloroplatinate(II) aqueous solution
Q3803: Potassium tetrachloroplatinate(II)
Q3804: Potassium hexachloroplatinate(IV)
Q3805: Chloroplatinic(IV) acid aqueous solution
Q3859: V(III) chloride
Q3962: Gold(I) chloride
Q4112: Cobalt(II) chloride hexahydrate
Q4163: Mercury(II) chloride
Q726: Fluoride
Q726: Fluoride
Q1291: Silver(II) fluoride
Q1322: Barium(II) fluoride
Q1345: Cerium(III) fluoride
Q1360: Cobalt(II) fluoride hydrous
Q1389: Chromium trifluoride hydrous
Q1405: Cesium fluoride, anhydrous
Q1409: Copper fluoride
Q1424: Copper(II) fluoride dihydrate
Q1439: Erbium fluoride, anhydrous
Q1446: Europium fluoride, anhydrous
Q1475: Iron(III) fluoride trihydrate
Q1507: Indium(III) fluoride hydrous
Q1508: Indium fluoride, anhydrous
Q1533: Lanthanum fluoride, anhydrous
Q1557: Manganese(II) fluoride, anhydrous
Q1595: Niobium(V) fluoride, anhydrous
Q1611: Neodymium fluoride, anhydrous
Q1628: Nickel fluoride, anhydrous
Q1686: Antimony(III) fluoride, anhydrous
Q1699: Tin(II) fluoride, anhydrous
Q1726: Terbium(III) fluoride, anhydrous
Q1780: Ytterbium fluoride, anhydrous
Q1795: Zinc fluoride tetraihydrate
Q1796: Zinc fluoride, anhydrous
Q1837: Lead(II) fluoride, anhydrous
Q2295: Silver(I) fluoride
Q2374: Lithium fluoride
Q2376: Magnesium fluoride
Q2377: Calcium fluoride
Q2378: Aluminum fluoride
Q2379: Potassium bifluoride
Q2380: Sodium fluoride
Q3816: Haplogranite fluorozirconate glass
Q3817: Na2Si2O5 fluorozirconate glass
Q4090: Chromium(III) fluoride
Q727: Hexafluoride
Q727: Hexafluoride
Q1285: Silver hexafluoroarsenate(V)
Q1296: Silver hexafluoroantimonate(V)
Q1615: Potassium hexafluoronickelate(IV)
Q2357: Sodium hexafluoro aluminum
Q728: Hydride
Q728: Hydride
Q1313: Barium(II) hydride
Q1440: Erbium hydride
Q1447: Europium hydride
Q1534: Lanthanum hydride
Q1612: Neodymium hydride
Q1738: Titanium hydride
Q1820: Zirconium hydride
Q2297: Niobium hydride
Q2390: Cerium trihydride
Q729: Hydroxide
Q729: Hydroxide
Q936: Iron(III) oxyhydroxide
Q1304: Gold(III) hydroxide
Q1314: Barium(II) hydroxide octahydrate
Q1338: Cerium(IV) hydroxide
Q1352: Cobalt(II) hydroxide
Q1364: Cobalt(III) oxyhydroxide
Q1381: Chromium hydroxide
Q1414: Copper(II) hydroxide
Q1453: alpha iron(III) oxyhydroxide
Q1455: Iron(III) hydroxide
Q1457: Gamma iron(III) oxyhydroxide
Q1496: Indium hydroxide
Q1522: Lanthanum hydroxide
Q1620: Nickel(II) hydroxide
Q1649: Hydrogen hexahydroxyplatinate(IV)
Q1814: Zirconium hydroxide
Q2333: Aluminum(III) hydroxide
Q2334: Aluminum hydroxide oxide, Boehmite
Q2339: Calcium(II) hydroxide
Q2346: Hydroxyapatite
Q2351: Magnesium(II) hydroxide
Q3342: Bismuth(III) hydroxide
Q3344: Chromium hydroxide hydrous
Q3661: Goethite
Q3663: Chlorine green rust
Q3667: Sulfate green rust
Q3748: Yttrium hydroxide
Q3755: Yttrium doped hydroxyapatite
Q3777: Cadmium hydroxide
Q3952: Hydroxy(oxo)cobalt
Q3953: alpha-Nickel hydroxide
Q3954: beta-Nickel hydroxide
Q3956: Hydroxy(oxo)nickel
Q4097: Lepidocrocite
Q4099: Illete smectite
Q4102: Nontronite
Q4104: Ripidolite
Q4123: Gerhardtite
Q4128: Adamite
Q4145: Yukonite
Q4151: Selenite adsorbed ferrihydrite
Q730: Iodide
Q730: Iodide
Q1284: Silver(I) rubidium iodide, anhydrous
Q1293: Silver(I) iodide, anhydrous
Q1406: Cesium iodide, anhydrous
Q1427: Copper(I) iodide, anhydrous
Q1510: Indium iodide, anhydrous
Q1535: Lanthanum iodide, anhydrous
Q1559: Manganese(II) iodide, anhydrous
Q1630: Nickel iodide, anhydrous
Q1644: Palladium(II) iodide, anhydrous
Q1654: Platinum(II) iodide, anhydrous
Q1673: Ruthenium iodide hydrous
Q1674: Ruthenium iodide, anhydrous
Q1701: Tin(II) iodide, anhydrous
Q1702: Tin(IV) iodide, anhydrous
Q1798: Zinc iodide, anhydrous
Q1821: Zirconium iodide, anhydrous
Q1848: Barium(II) iodide, anhydrous
Q1849: Barium(II) iodide dihydrate
Q2300: Chromium Rhodium Iodide
Q4160: Sodium iodide
Q4164: Mercury(II) iodide
Q731: Nitrate
Q731: Nitrate
Q821: Cobalt(II) nitrate
Q1294: Silver(I) nitrate, anhydrous
Q1335: Cerium(IV) ammonium nitrate hydrous
Q1336: Cerium(IV) nitrate hexahydrate
Q1351: Cobalt(II) nitrade hexahydrate
Q1380: Chromium nitrate nonahydrate
Q1407: Cesium nitrate, anhydrous
Q1413: Copper nitrate trihydrate
Q1435: Erbium(III) nitrate pentahydrate
Q1441: Europium(III) nitrate hydrous
Q1462: Iron(III) nitrate nonahydrate
Q1495: Indium nitrate hydrous
Q1521: Lanthanum nitrate hexahydrate
Q1548: Manganese(II) nitrate hexahydrate
Q1605: Neodymium nitrate hydrous
Q1619: Nickel nitrate hexahydrate
Q1658: Rhodium nitrate hydrous
Q1719: Terbium(III) nitrate hdrous
Q1777: Ytterbium nitrate hydrous
Q1785: Zinc nitrate hexahydrate
Q1824: Zirconium oxynitrate dihydrate
Q1833: Lead(II) nitrate, anhydrous
Q1843: Barium(II) nitrate, anhydrous
Q2284: Ballium nitrate
Q2324: Silver(I) nitrate
Q3776: Cadmium(II) nitrate
Q3784: Cobalt(II) nitrate hexahydrate
Q4122: Copper hydroxy nitrate
Q732: Nitride
Q732: Nitride
Q1312: Barium(II) nitride
Q1417: Copper nitride
Q1448: Europium nitride
Q1465: Iron trinitride
Q1468: Iron nitride
Q1536: Lanthanum nitride
Q1574: Molybdenum nitride
Q1597: Niobium nitride
Q1712: Tantalum nitride
Q1717: Tantalum mononitride
Q1739: Titanium nitride
Q1757: Vanadium nitride
Q1822: Zirconium nitride
Q2369: Silicon nitride
Q2372: Boron nitride (Hexagonal)
Q2375: Hexagonal boron nitride
Q3662: Iron mononitride
Q734: Oxalate
Q734: Oxalate
Q1317: Barium oxalate
Q1339: Cerium(III) oxalate hydrous
Q1357: Cobalt(II) oxalate
Q1397: Cesium oxalate
Q1419: Copper(II) oxalate monohydrate
Q1436: Erbium oxalate decahydrate
Q1552: Manganese oxalate
Q1606: Neodymium oxalate decahydrate
Q1623: Nickel oxalate dihydrate
Q1695: Tin(II) oxalate, anhydrous
Q1793: Zinc oxalate dihydrate
Q4100: Iron(II) oxalate
Q4120: Nickel oxalate
Q735: Oxide
Q735: Oxide
Q1278: Silver(I) oxide
Q1279: Silver(II) oxide
Q1323: Barium hafnium oxide
Q1326: Barium(II) oxide
Q1346: Cerium(IV) oxide
Q1355: Cobalt(II,III) oxide
Q1361: Cobalt-iron oxide
Q1365: Cobalt(II) oxide
Q1366: Cobalt oxide, black
Q1373: Lithium cobalt oxide
Q1375: Lithium nickel manganese cobalt oxide
Q1376: Lithium nickel cobalt oxide
Q1383: Chromium(III) oxide
Q1391: Chromium(VI) oxide
Q1415: Copper(I) oxide
Q1425: Copper iron oxide
Q1429: Copper(II) oxide
Q1437: Erbium oxide
Q1443: Europium oxide
Q1452: Iron(III) oxide (haematite)
Q1459: Calcium ferrite
Q1460: Copper-iron oxide (Copper ferrite)
Q1466: Iron(II,III) oxide (Magnetite)
Q1477: Iron(II) molybdenum oxide
Q1478: Nickel iron oxide (Nickel ferrite)
Q1479: Iron(II) oxide
Q1487: Iron(II) titanium oxide
Q1488: Iron(II) tungsten oxide
Q1489: Lanthanum-iron oxide
Q1490: Iron lithium oxide
Q1492: Magnesium-iron oxide
Q1493: Manganese-iron oxide (Manganese ferrite)
Q1494: Zinc ferrite
Q1499: Indium oxide
Q1518: Iridium(IV) oxide
Q1525: Lanthanum oxide
Q1543: Lithium manganese nickel oxide
Q1544: Lithium-rich manganese oxide
Q1545: Lithium manganese oxide
Q1549: Manganese(III) oxide
Q1550: Trimanganese(II,III) tetraoxide
Q1556: Manganese-chromium oxide
Q1560: Manganese(II) oxide
Q1561: Manganese(IV) oxide
Q1578: Molybdenum(IV) oxide
Q1579: Molybdenum(VI) oxide
Q1585: Niobium(III) oxide
Q1589: Niobium(V) oxide
Q1598: Niobium(II) oxide
Q1599: Niobium(IV) oxide
Q1608: Neodymium oxide
Q1616: Lithium nickel oxide
Q1621: Nickel peroxide
Q1631: Nickel(II) oxide
Q1645: Palladium(II) oxide hydrous
Q1646: Palladium(II) oxide
Q1655: Platinum(IV) oxide hydrous
Q1656: Platinum(IV) oxide
Q1660: Rhodium(III) oxide hydrous
Q1661: Rhodium(III) oxide
Q1675: Ruthenium(IV) oxide hydrous
Q1676: Ruthenium(IV) oxide
Q1678: Antimony(V) oxide
Q1679: Antimony(III) oxide
Q1680: Antimony(IV) oxide
Q1703: Tin(II) oxide
Q1704: Tin(IV) oxide
Q1711: Tantalum(V) oxide
Q1721: Terbium(III) oxide
Q1723: Terbium(III,IV) oxide
Q1734: Titanium(III) oxide
Q1740: Titanium(II) oxide
Q1741: Titanium(IV) dioxide (Anatase)
Q1742: Titanium(IV) dioxide (Brookite)
Q1743: Titanium(IV) dioxide (Rutile)
Q1750: Vanadium(III) oxide
Q1751: Vanadium(V) oxide
Q1758: Vanadium(IV) oxide
Q1764: Manganese tungstate
Q1769: Tungsten(IV) oxide
Q1770: Tungsten(VI) oxide
Q1778: Ytterbium oxide
Q1800: Zinc oxide
Q1811: Zirconium oxide-calcia stabilized
Q1812: Zirconium oxide-magnesia stabilized
Q1813: Zirconium oxide-yttrium oxide
Q1825: Zirconium oxide
Q1834: Lead(II, IV) oxide
Q1838: Lead(II) oxide
Q1839: Lead(IV) oxide
Q1847: Barium iron oxide, barium ferrite
Q2296: Lanthanum cobalt(III) oxide
Q2301: Iron oxide
Q2314: Strontium-doped Lanthanum Cobalt(III) oxide
Q2315: Strontium-doped Lanthanum iron(III) oxide
Q2316: Strontium titanate
Q2326: Iron(III) oxide
Q2327: Iron(III) oxide (maghemite)
Q2328: Zirconium oxide (zirconia)
Q2330: α-Aluminum oxide
Q2332: γ-Aluminum oxide
Q2345: Calcium oxide
Q2350: Magnesium oxide
Q2365: Silicon dioxide (Quartz)
Q2367: Silicon dioxide (amorphous)
Q2384: Indium dioxide
Q2385: Gold(III) oxide
Q3343: Bismuth (III) oxide
Q3345: Gallium(III) Oxide
Q3346: Germanium (IV) oxide
Q3347: Titanium oxide, Ti4O7
Q3348: Yttrium oxide
Q3656: Vanadium(II) oxide
Q3657: Chromium(IV) oxide
Q3659: Manganese(IV) oxide
Q3666: 2-line ferrihydrite
Q3674: Arsenic (V) oxide
Q3677: Arsenic (III) oxide
Q3683: SZSO
Q3685: Strontium oxide
Q3688: Monteponite
Q3692: Europium(II) oxide
Q3767: Tungsten trioxide monohydrate
Q3800: Uraninite
Q3820: Na2Si2O5 zirconium glass
Q3823: Haplogranite zirconium glass
Q3833: Zinc oxide wurtzite
Q3948: Vanadium oxide
Q3951: Cobalt(III) oxide
Q3958: Copper;molecular oxygen
Q3961: Oxoruthenium
Q4113: lithium cobalt(III) oxide
Q4117: Nickel cobalt oxide
Q4121: Nickel zinc ferrite
Q4130: Arsenolite
Q4152: Selenium dioxide
Q4165: Mercury(II) oxide
Q736: Oxide_ate
Q736: Oxide_ate
Q1394: Potassium dichromate
Q3687: Slawsonite
Q3754: Yttrium doped hematite
Q3785: Cobalt doped aluminum oxide
Q3786: Cobalt doped zinc oxide
Q3788: Cobalt doped maghemite
Q3863: Rossite
Q3864: Pascoite
Q4088: Ilmenite
Q4129: Annabergite
Q737: Oxychloride
Q737: Oxychloride
Q1600: Niobium(V) oxychloride
Q1826: Zirconium oxychloride octahydrate
Q738: Oxynitride
Q738: Oxynitride
Q1330: Barium tantalum oxide nitride
Q2286: Tantalum oxynitride
Q739: Phosphide
Q739: Phosphide
Q1353: Cobalt phosphide
Q1467: Iron phosphide
Q1511: Indium phosphide
Q2294: Molybdenum nickel phosphide
Q2320: Nickel phosphide
Q740: Phosphate
Q740: Phosphate
Q1347: Cerium(III) o-phosphate, anhydrous
Q1354: Cobalt(II) phosphate octahydrate
Q1374: Lithium cobalt phosphate
Q1464: Iron(II) o-phosphate octahydrate
Q1480: Iron(III) phosphate
Q1491: Lithium iron(II) phosphate
Q1789: Zinc phosphate tetraihydrate
Q1844: Barium orthophosphate, anhydrous
Q2335: Aluminum phosphate
Q2336: Aluminum metaphosphate
Q2358: Lithium phosphate
Q2359: Potassium dihydrogen phosphate
Q2360: Silver(I) phosphate
Q3750: Xenotime
Q3751: Churchite
Q3761: Cobalt(II) phosphate
Q3771: Cadmium hydrogen phosphate hydrate
Q4051: Calcium phosphate
Q4052: chromium(II) phosphate
Q4053: Iron(III) phosphate dihydrate
Q4054: Ferric phosphate tetrahydrate
Q4055: Iron(III) phosphate 1-hydrate
Q4058: Monopotassium phosphate
Q4059: Tricalcium phosphate
Q4062: Sodium hexametaphosphate
Q4093: Chromium(III) phosphate
Q4108: Iron(III) phosphate tetrahydrate
Q4124: Zinc phosphate
Q4174: Autunite
Q4175: Tobernite
Q4176: Saleeite
Q742: Pure metal
Q742: Pure metal
Q1292: Silver
Q1308: Gold
Q1362: Cobalt
Q1390: Chromium
Q1426: Copper
Q1476: Iron
Q1509: Indium
Q1517: Iridium
Q1558: Manganese
Q1577: Molybdenum
Q1596: Niobium
Q1629: Nickel
Q1637: Lead
Q1643: Palladium
Q1653: Platinum
Q1664: Rhodium
Q1687: Antimony
Q1700: Tin
Q1716: Tantalum
Q1737: Titanium
Q1756: Vanadium
Q1768: Tungsten
Q1797: Zinc
Q1819: Zirconium
Q2302: Ruthenium
Q2309: Rhenium
Q2331: Aluminum
Q2366: Silicon
Q2843: Magnesium
Q2844: Germanium
Q2846: Cadmium
Q2847: Hafnium
Q2848: Yttrium
Q3693: Selenium
Q3797: Red elemental selenium
Q3801: Uranium electrolyte solution
Q3959: Gallium
Q3960: Strontium
Q3963: Mercury
Q3965: Lanthanum
Q3966: Cerium
Q3967: Praseodymium
Q3968: Thorium
Q3969: Uranium
Q4147: Cyclo-triarsenic
Q4167: Bismuth
Q743: Silicate
Q743: Silicate
Q1788: Zinc silicate
Q1806: Zirconium silicate
Q2338: Muscovite
Q2341: Calcium silicate
Q2370: Sodium metasilicate
Q2371: Sodium orthosilicate
Q3660: Spessartine
Q3752: Yttrium-adsorbed montmorillonite
Q3818: Palladium doped silicon dioxide
Q3835: Fayalite
Q3862: Cavansite
Q3866: Hedenbergite
Q3877: Vlasovite
Q3931: Eudialyte
Q4103: Olivine
Q4156: Yttrium trioxidosilicate
Q744: Silicide
Q744: Silicide
Q1329: Barium silicide
Q1392: Chromium silicide
Q1484: Iron silicide
Q1519: Iridium silicide
Q1538: Lanthanum silicide
Q1563: Manganese silicide
Q1581: Molybdenum silicide
Q1602: Niobium silicide
Q1647: Palladium silicide
Q1718: Tantalum silicide
Q1746: Titanium silicide
Q1760: Vanadium silicide
Q1773: Tungsten silicide
Q1828: Zirconium silicide
Q745: Sulfate
Q745: Sulfate
Q1280: Silver(I) sulfate, anhydrous
Q1370: Cobalt(II) sulfate heptahydrate
Q1382: Chromium sulfate hydrous
Q1400: Cesium sulfate, anhydrous
Q1431: Copper(II) sulfate pentahydrate
Q1432: Copper(II) sulfate, anhydrous
Q1442: Europium sulfate hydrous
Q1450: Iron(II) ammonium sulfate hydrous
Q1451: Iron(III) ammonium sulfate hydrous
Q1463: Iron(III) sulfate hydrous
Q1485: Iron(II) sulfate heptahydrate
Q1486: Iron(II) sulfate, anhydrous
Q1497: Indium sulfate hydrous
Q1498: Indium sulfate, anhydrous
Q1523: Lanthanum sulfate nonahydrate
Q1524: Lanthanum sulfate, anhydrous
Q1564: Manganese(II) sulfate hydrous
Q1607: Neodymium sulfate octahydrate
Q1633: Nickel sulfate hexahydrate
Q1634: Nickel sulfate, anhydrous
Q1648: Palladium(II) sulfate
Q1708: Tin(II) sulfate, anhydrous
Q1720: Terbium(III) sulfate hydrous
Q1759: Vanadium oxysulfate hydrous
Q1804: Zinc sulfate heptahydrate
Q1815: Zirconium sulfate tetrahydrate
Q1841: Lead(II) sulfate, anhydrous
Q1850: Barium(II) sulfate, anhydrous
Q2321: Silver(I) sulfate
Q2325: Copper(II) sulfate
Q2343: Calcium sulfate
Q2353: Sodium thiosulfate
Q2354: Sodium sulfate
Q2361: Potassium sulfate
Q3646: Jarosite
Q3647: Calcium sulfate dihydrate
Q3648: Iron(III) sulfate monohydrate
Q3650: Sodium sulfite
Q3671: Zinc sulfate
Q3686: Strontium sulfate
Q3773: Cadmium(II) sulfate
Q3821: Copper(II) sulfate hydrous
Q3857: Vanadium oxysulfate pentahydrate
Q3861: Vanadium(III) ammonium sulfate
Q3875: cobalt(II) sulfate
Q4067: Aluminum potassium sulfate
Q4068: Ammonium thiosulfate
Q4071: Chromium(III) sulfate
Q4089: Vanadyl sulfate
Q4101: Iron(III) sulfate
Q4155: Yttrium sulfate
Q4166: Mercury(II) sulfate
Q4169: Cerium(I) sulphate
Q4170: Cerium(IV) sulfate
Q4171: Cerium(II) sulfate
Q4172: Cerium(III) sulfate octahydrate
Q4173: Holmium trisulfate
Q746: Sulfide
Q746: Sulfide
Q1328: Barium(II) sulfide
Q1334: Cerium(III) sulfide
Q1367: Cobalt monosulfide
Q1368: Cobalt disulfide
Q1384: Chromium sulfide
Q1416: Copper(I) sulfide
Q1434: Erbium sulfide
Q1449: Europium sulfide
Q1481: Iron(II) sulfide
Q1482: Iron disulfide
Q1500: Indium(III) sulfide
Q1512: Indium(II) sulfide
Q1526: Lanthanum sulfide
Q1539: alpha-Manganese sulfide
Q1580: Molybdenum sulfide
Q1601: Niobium sulfide
Q1604: Neodymium sulfide
Q1632: Nickel sulfide
Q1681: Antimony(III) sulfide
Q1705: Tin(II) sulfide
Q1706: Tin(IV) sulfide
Q1710: Tantalum sulfide
Q1722: Terbium(III) sulfide
Q1744: Titanium(IV) sulfide
Q1747: Vanadium(III) sulfide
Q1771: Tungsten sulfide
Q1801: Zinc sulfide (melt)
Q1802: Zinc sulfide
Q1827: Zirconium sulfide
Q1840: Lead sulfide
Q2344: Calcium sulfide
Q2363: Lithium sulfide
Q2364: Thiourea
Q3649: Cadmium sulfide
Q3651: Magnesium sulfide
Q3652: Pyrrhotite
Q3653: Cobaltite
Q3654: Pentlandite
Q3668: Copper(II) Sulfide
Q3675: Arsenic trisulfide
Q3676: Arsenic sulfide
Q3689: Greenockite
Q3778: Sphalerite:cadmium
Q3807: Platinum monosulfide
Q3808: (NH4)2Pt(S5)3
Q3809: Platinum disulfide
Q3810: Platinum sulfide
Q3831: Sphalerite
Q3836: Metacinnabar
Q3837: Cinnabar
Q3844: Acanthite
Q3947: Trivanesium tetrasulfide
Q3949: Vanadium (Ⅲ) sulfide
Q3957: Nickel Phosphorus Trisulfide
Q4069: Chalcopyrite
Q4070: Chromium(II) sulfide
Q4076: Manganese disulfide
Q4079: Selenium disulfide
Q4114: Gersdorffite
Q4115: Nickel subsulfide
Q4127: Germanium sulfide
Q4131: Arsenopyrite
Q4133: Enargite
Q4140: Orpiment
Q4158: Ullmannite
Q871: Chromite
Q871: Chromite
Q1393: Copper chromite
Q1396: Zinc chromite
Q1423: Copper(II) chromite
Q4095: Nickel chromite
Q1273: Metal acid
Q1273: Metal acid
Q1569: Molybdic acid
Q1691: Stannic acid
Q1763: Tungstic acid
Q1274: Periodate
Q1274: Periodate
Q1614: Potassium nickel(IV) paraperiodate
Q2329: Nonmetal
Q2329: Nonmetal
Q2362: Sulfur
Q2373: HOPG, Highly oriented pyrolytic graphite
Q2840: Transition metal alloy
Q2840: Transition metal alloy
Q862: Hastelloy C-276
Q863: Inconel 600
Q864: Iron chromium 10
Q865: Iron chromium 2
Q868: Nichrome
Q869: SUS301
Q870: SUS304
Q872: SUS430
Q873: SUS631
Q889: Copper nickel
Q911: Manganin
Q912: mu-metal
Q913: Nickel silver
Q932: 42 Invar
Q933: 45 permalloy
Q934: 78 permalloy
Q1692: Smartec-M
Q1693: Smartec-M
Q1752: Vanadium-gallium alloy
Q1753: Vanadium-silicon alloy
Q2285: Copper-platinum alloy
Q2306: Copper-palladium alloy
Q2311: Palladium-silver alloy
Q2312: Platinum tin
Q2387: SUS316L
Q3928: Iron platinum
Q3929: Cobalt platinum
Q3930: Cobalt iron platinum
Q2841: Metalloid alloy
Q2841: Metalloid alloy
Q1281: Silver(I) telluride
Q1369: Cobalt monoantimonide
Q1430: Copper(II) selenide
Q1483: Iron selenide
Q1501: Indium(III) selenide
Q1502: Indium(III) telluride
Q1503: Indium arsenide
Q1513: Indium antimonide
Q1514: Indium(II) selenide
Q1515: Indium(II) telluride
Q1562: Manganese antimonide
Q1567: Molybdenum selenide
Q1582: Molybdenum telluride
Q1603: Niobium telluride
Q1677: Aluminum antimonide
Q1682: Antimony(III) selenide
Q1683: Antimony(III) telluride
Q1688: Zinc antimonide
Q1689: Zinc monoantimonide
Q1707: Tin(II) selenide
Q1709: Tin(II) telluride
Q1745: Titanium selenide
Q1772: Tungsten selenide
Q1774: Tungsten telluride
Q1791: Zinc arsenide
Q1805: Zinc telluride
Q1842: Lead telluride
Q2292: Rhodium telluride
Q2845: Gallium arsenide
Q3673: Zinc selenide
Q3678: Mercury(II) selenide
Q3679: Copper(I) selenide
Q3680: Nickel selenide
Q3682: Cobalt selenide
Q3691: Europium(II) selenide
Q4125: Germanium selenide
Q4126: Germanium diselenide
Q4135: Loellingite
Q4139: Nickeline
Q4141: Skutterudite
Q4148: Arsenic selenide
Q4149: Arsenic triselenide
Q4150: Lead(II) selenide
Q2842: Lanthanoid alloy
Q2842: Lanthanoid alloy
Q1528: Lanthanum-aluminum alloy
Q1537: Lanthanum-nickel alloy
Q3645: Carbonate hydroxide
Q3645: Carbonate hydroxide
Q3669: Tricopper(II) bis(carbonate) dihydroxide
Q3744: Carbonaceous chondrite
Q3744: Carbonaceous chondrite
Q3846: Axtell CV chondrite
Q3847: Allende CV chondrite
Q3848: Bali CV chondrite
Q3849: Grosnaja CV chondrite
Q3850: Efremovka CV chondrite
Q3851: Kaba CV chondrite
Q3852: Mokoia CV chondrite
Q3853: Leoville CV chondrite
Q3854: Vigarano CV chondrite
Q3855: RBT04133 CV chondrite
Q3869: Orgueil CI chondrite
Q3870: Ivuna CI chondrite
Q3882: ALH83100 CM chondrite
Q3883: ALH84029 CM chondrite
Q3884: ALH84044 CM chondrite
Q3885: DOM08003 CM chondrite
Q3886: LAP02333 CM chondrite
Q3887: LAP02336 CM chondrite
Q3888: LAP03718 CM chondrite
Q3889: LEW85311 CM chondrite
Q3890: LEW85312 CM chondrite
Q3891: LEW87022 CM chondrite
Q3892: LEW90500 CM chondrite
Q3893: LON94101 CM chondrite
Q3894: MCY05230 CM chondrite
Q3895: MET01070 CM chondrite
Q3896: QUE97990 CM chondrite
Q3897: Niger CM chondrite
Q3898: Murchison CM chondrite
Q3899: Murray CM chondrite
Q3900: Boriskino CM chondrite
Q3901: Mighei CM chondrite
Q3902: Banten CM chondrite
Q3903: Nogoya CM chondrite
Q3904: Essebi CM chondrite
Q3905: Cold_Bokkeveld CM chondrite
Q3906: QUE93005 CM chondrite
Q3907: ALH84033 CM chondrite
Q3908: DOM03183 CM chondrite
Q3909: EET83355 CM chondrite
Q3910: EET96029 CM chondrite
Q3911: EET87522 CM chondrite
Q3912: MAC88100 CM chondrite
Q3913: MIL07700 CM chondrite
Q3914: PCA02010 CM chondrite
Q3915: PCA02012 CM chondrite
Q3916: PCA91008 CM chondrite
Q3917: WIS91600 CM chondrite
Q3918: EET92159 CR chondrite
Q3919: GRA06100 CR chondrite
Q3920: GRO03116 CR chondrite
Q3921: GRO95577 CR chondrite
Q3922: LAP04516 CR chondrite
Q3923: MET00426 CR chondrite
Q3924: EET92042 CR chondrite
Q3925: GRA95229 CR chondrite
Q3926: Renazzo CR chondrite
Q4030: Pyrophosphate
Q4030: Pyrophosphate
Q1283: Silver(I) pyrophosphate, anhydrous
Q1787: Zinc pyrophosphate, anhydrous
Q1829: Tin(II) pyrophosphate
Q2340: Calcium pyrophosphate
Q4056: Iron(III) pyrophosphate
Q4057: Magnesium pyrophosphate
Q4060: Disodium dihydrogenpyrophosphaset anhydrous
Q4063: Tetrasodium pyrophosphate
Q4037: Arsenate
Q4037: Arsenate
Q4087: Calcium arsenate
Q4132: Berzeliite
Q4134: Ferric arsenate
Q4136: Mimetite
Q4038: Arsenic acid
Q4038: Arsenic acid
Q4105: Scorodite
Q4040: Arsenite
Q4040: Arsenite
Q4142: Sodium arsenite
Q4143: Tooeleite
Q4041: Iodate
Q4041: Iodate
Q4159: Calcium iodate
Q4161: Sodium iodate
Q5057: Molybdate
Q5057: Molybdate
Q1277: Silver(I) molybdate
Q1324: Barium molybdate
Q1363: Cobalt molybdate
Q1428: Copper molybdate
Q1568: Calcium molybdate
Q1570: Potassium molybdate
Q1571: Lithium molybdate
Q1572: Magnesium molybdate
Q1583: Sodium molybdate
Q1584: Nickel molybdate
Q1799: Zinc molybdate
Q4157: Sodium molybdate dihydrate
Q5058: Tungstate
Q5058: Tungstate
Q1282: Silver(I) tungstate
Q1332: Barium tungstate
Q1372: Cobalt tungstate
Q1433: Copper tungstate
Q1636: Nickel tungstate
Q1762: Iron tungstate
Q1775: Zinc tungstate
Q3768: Ammonium metatungstate
Q3769: Sodium tungstate(VI) dihydrate
Q3770: Sodium tungstate, anhydrous
Q5059: Perrhenate
Q5059: Perrhenate
Q1295: Silver(I) perrhenate
Q5060: Vanadate
Q5060: Vanadate
Q1297: Silver(I) metavanadate
Q1408: Cesium metavanadate
Q1748: Lithium vanadate
Q1749: Ammonium metavanadate
Q3860: Sodium Orthovanadate(V) dihydrate
Q3865: Sodium orthovanadate(V)
Q5061: Aluminate
Q5061: Aluminate
Q1315: Barium aluminate
Q1790: Zinc aluminate
Q4168: Aluminium cerium trioxide
Q5062: Chromate
Q5062: Chromate
Q1276: Silver(I) chromate
Q1321: Barium chromate
Q1377: Barium chromate (Spinel group)
Q1395: Potassium chromate
Q3658: Sodium chromate
Q3950: Sodium chromate
Q5063: Niobate
Q5063: Niobate
Q1325: Barium niobate
Q1586: Potassium niobate
Q1587: Lithium niobate
Q1588: Sodium niobate
Q2298: Lanthanum niobate
Q5064: Peroxide
Q5064: Peroxide
Q1327: Barium(II) peroxide
Q5065: Titanate
Q5065: Titanate
Q1331: Barium titanate
Q1371: Cobalt titanate
Q1398: Cesium titanate
Q1527: Lanthanum titanate
Q1565: Manganese titanate
Q1635: Nickel titanate
Q1727: Calcium titanate
Q1728: Potassium titanate
Q1729: Lithium titanate
Q1730: Tetralithium titanate
Q1731: Magnesium titanate
Q1732: Sodium titanate
Q1733: Sodium titanate
Q1830: Lead(II) titanate
Q3690: Europium(II) titanate
Q5066: Zirconate
Q5066: Zirconate
Q1333: Barium zirconate
Q1807: Lithium zirconate
Q1808: Sodium zirconate
Q1809: Lead zirconate
Q1810: strontium(II) zirconate
Q5067: Dichromate
Q5067: Dichromate
Q1394: Potassium dichromate
Q5068: Permanganate
Q5068: Permanganate
Q1542: Potassium permanganate
Q5069: Stannate
Q5069: Stannate
Q1690: Calcium stannate
Q5070: Selenite
Q5070: Selenite
Q1803: Zinc selenite
Q3681: Sodium selenite
Q5071: Selenate
Q5071: Selenate
Q2389: Sodium selenate
Q3789: Sodium selenate
Q5072: Oxalate
Q5072: Oxalate
Q3670: Zinc oxalate
Q5073: Borate
Q5073: Borate
Q4048: Sodium tetraborate
Q5074: Carbonate
Q5074: Carbonate
Q4106: Siderite
Q3735: Biomaterials
Q3735: Biomaterials
Q3736: Cysteine
Q3736: Cysteine
Q3756: NiNTA(CysNH2)3
Q3757: NiL(N2S2)
Q3765: Cobalt cysteine
Q3781: Cadmium cysteine
Q3793: Selenocysteine
Q3812: Seleno-methylseleno-L-cysteine
Q3824: ZnCys4 peptide
Q3827: Zn(Cys)4
Q3838: Hg(Cys)4
Q3839: Hg(Cys)2
Q3927: AgL1 complex (L1=NTA(CysOEt)3)
Q4075: L-Cysteine
Q3737: Glutathione
Q3737: Glutathione
Q3766: Cobalt glutathione
Q3782: Cadmium glutathione
Q3798: Selenoglutathione peroxidase
Q3799: Selenodiglutathione
Q3845: Silver(I)-glutathione
Q3879: Silver(I) glutathione
Q3738: Cystamine
Q3738: Cystamine
Q3795: Selenium cystamine dihydrochloride
Q3739: Methionine
Q3739: Methionine
Q3792: Selenomethionine
Q3813: Seleno-DL-methionine
Q3740: Histidine
Q3740: Histidine
Q3762: Cobalt histidine
Q3828: Zn(His)4
Q3741: Cysteine-histidine
Q3741: Cysteine-histidine
Q3825: ZnCys3His peptide
Q3826: ZnCys2His2 peptide
Q3742: Malate
Q3742: Malate
Q3780: Cadmium malate
Q3829: Zinc(Malate)3
Q3873: Silver malate
Q3743: Citrate
Q3743: Citrate
Q3779: Cadmium citrate
Q3745: Nicotianamine
Q3745: Nicotianamine
Q3763: Cobalt nicotianamine
Q3746: Vitamin
Q3746: Vitamin
Q3764: Vitamin B12
Q3747: Cystine
Q3747: Cystine
Q3794: Selenocystine
Q3814: Seleno-L-cystine
Q4154: Seleno-DL-cystine
Q2849: Core Level
Q2849: Core Level
Q2850: Ag 2s
Q2851: Ag 2p1
Q2852: Ag 2p3
Q2853: Ag 3p3
Q2854: Ag 3d
Q2855: Al 1s
Q2856: Al 2s
Q2857: Al 2p
Q2858: As 2s
Q2859: As 2p
Q2860: As 3s
Q2861: As 3p
Q2862: As 3d
Q2863: Au 3s
Q2864: Au 3p1
Q2865: Au 3p3
Q2866: Au 3d
Q2867: Au 4d
Q2868: Au 4f
Q2869: Au 5s
Q2870: Au 5p
Q2871: C 1s
Q2872: Cd 1s
Q2873: Cd 2s
Q2874: Cd 2p1
Q2875: Cd 2p3
Q2876: Cd 3s
Q2877: Cd 3p
Q2878: Cd 3d
Q2879: Cd 4s
Q2880: Cd 4p
Q2881: Cl 1s
Q2882: Co 1s
Q2883: Co 2s
Q2884: Co 2p
Q2885: Cr 1s
Q2886: Cr 2s
Q2887: Cr 2p
Q2888: Cu 1s
Q2889: Cu 2s
Q2890: Cu 2p
Q2891: Cu 3s
Q2892: Cu 3p
Q2893: Cu LMM
Q2894: Fe 1s
Q2895: Fe 2s
Q2896: Fe 2p
Q2897: Ga 2s
Q2898: Ga 2p
Q2899: Ga 3s
Q2900: Ga 3p
Q2901: Ga 3d
Q2902: Ge 2s
Q2903: Ge 2p
Q2904: Ge 3s
Q2905: Ge 3p
Q2906: Hf 3s
Q2907: Hf 3p1
Q2908: Hf 3p3
Q2909: Hf 3d
Q2910: Hf 4s
Q2911: Hf 4p
Q2912: Hf 4d
Q2913: Hf 5s
Q2914: In 2s
Q2915: In 2p1
Q2916: In 2p3
Q2917: In 3d
Q2918: Ir 3s
Q2919: Ir 3p1
Q2920: Ir 3p3
Q2921: Ir 3d
Q2922: Ir 4s
Q2923: Ir 4p
Q2924: Ir 4d
Q2925: Ir 4f
Q2926: Ir 5s
Q2927: Ir 5p
Q2928: Mg 1s
Q2929: Mg 2s
Q2930: Mg 2p
Q2931: Mn 1s
Q2932: Mn 2s
Q2933: Mn 2p
Q2934: Mn 3s
Q2935: Mn 3p
Q2936: Mo 2s
Q2937: Mo 2p3
Q2938: Mo 3d
Q2939: Nb 2s
Q2940: Nb 2p
Q2941: Nb 3s
Q2942: Nb 3p
Q2943: Nb 3d
Q2944: Nb 4s
Q2945: Nb 4p
Q2946: Ni 1s
Q2947: Ni 2s
Q2948: Ni 2p
Q2949: O 1s
Q2950: Pb 3s
Q2951: Pb 3p1
Q2952: Pb 3p3
Q2953: Pb 3d
Q2954: Pb 4s
Q2955: Pb 4p
Q2956: Pb 4d
Q2957: Pb 4f
Q2958: Pb 5s
Q2959: Pb 5p
Q2960: Pd 2s
Q2961: Pd 2p1
Q2962: Pd 2p3
Q2963: Pd 3s
Q2964: Pd 3p
Q2965: Pd 3d
Q2966: Pd 4d
Q2967: Pd 4p
Q2968: Pt 3d
Q2969: Pt 4d
Q2970: Pt 4f
Q2971: Pt 5s
Q2972: Pt 5p
Q2973: Rh 2s
Q2974: Rh 2p1
Q2975: Rh 2p3
Q2976: Rh 3s
Q2977: Rh 3p
Q2978: Rh 3d
Q2979: Rh 4s
Q2980: Rh 4p
Q2981: Ru 2s
Q2982: Ru 2p
Q2983: Ru 3s
Q2984: Ru 3p
Q2985: Ru 3d
Q2986: Ru 4s
Q2987: Ru 4p
Q2988: S 1s
Q2989: Sb 2p1
Q2990: Sb 2p3
Q2991: Sb 3s
Q2992: Sb 3p
Q2993: Sb 3d
Q2994: Sb 4s
Q2995: Sb 4p
Q2996: Si 1s
Q2997: Si 2s
Q2998: Si 2p
Q2999: Sn 2s
Q3000: Sn 2p1
Q3001: Sn 2p3
Q3002: Sn 3d
Q3003: Ta 3s
Q3004: Ta 3p1
Q3005: Ta 3p3
Q3006: Ta 3d
Q3007: Ta 4s
Q3008: Ta 4p
Q3009: Ta 4d
Q3010: Ta 4f
Q3011: Ta 5s
Q3012: Ta 5p
Q3013: Ti 1s
Q3014: Ti 2s
Q3015: Ti 2p
Q3016: V 1s
Q3017: V 2s
Q3018: V 2p
Q3019: V 3s
Q3020: W 3s
Q3021: W 3p1
Q3022: W 3p3
Q3023: W 3d
Q3024: W 4s
Q3025: W 4p
Q3026: W 4d
Q3027: W 4f
Q3028: W 5s
Q3029: W 5p
Q3030: Zn 2s
Q3031: Zn 2p1
Q3032: Zn 2p3
Q3033: Zr 2s
Q3034: Zr 2p1
Q3035: Zr 2p3
Q3036: Zr 3p
Q3037: Zr 3d
Q3705: Valence
Q3707: Ga LMM
Q3708: Ni LMM
Q3709: Ca 2p
Q3710: Cl 2p
Q3711: Cu 2p3
Q3712: N 1s
Q3713: Na 1s
Q3714: Ni 2p3
Q3715: S 2p
Q3716: Fe LMM
Q3717: Fe 2p3
Q3718: Co LMM
Q3719: Co 2p3
Q3734: Ag MNN