Q2443: Antimony
Vocabulary ID
Language | Label | Description | Alias |
English | Antimony | Antimony is the chemical element with the symbol Sb and atomic number 51. The atomic mass is 121.75 (amu, g/mol). | Sb |
Japanese | アンチモン | アンチモンは、元素記号Sb、原子番号51の化学元素である。原子質量は121.75 (amu, g/mol)である。 | Sb |
Language | English |
Label | Antimony |
Description | Antimony is the chemical element with the symbol Sb and atomic number 51. The atomic mass is 121.75 (amu, g/mol). |
Alias | Sb |
Language | Japanese |
Label | アンチモン |
Description | アンチモンは、元素記号Sb、原子番号51の化学元素である。原子質量は121.75 (amu, g/mol)である。 |
Alias | Sb |
Semantic Relatives
Q2392: Element
Siblings:- Q2393: Hydrogen
- Q2394: Helium
- Q2395: Lithium
- Q2396: Beryllium
- Q2397: Boron
- Q2398: Carbon
- Q2399: Nitrogen
- Q2400: Oxygen
- Q2401: Fluorine
- Q2402: Neon
- Q2403: Sodium
- Q2404: Magnesium
- Q2405: Aluminum
- Q2406: Silicon
- Q2407: Phosphorus
- Q2408: Sulfur
- Q2409: Chlorine
- Q2410: Argon
- Q2411: Potassium
- Q2412: Calcium
- Q2413: Scandium
- Q2414: Titanium
- Q2415: Vanadium
- Q2416: Chromium
- Q2417: Manganese
- Q2418: Iron
- Q2419: Cobalt
- Q2420: Nickel
- Q2421: Copper
- Q2422: Zinc
- Q2423: Gallium
- Q2424: Germanium
- Q2425: Arsenic
- Q2426: Selenium
- Q2427: Bromine
- Q2428: Krypton
- Q2429: Rubidium
- Q2430: Strontium
- Q2431: Yttrium
- Q2432: Zirconium
- Q2433: Niobium
- Q2434: Molybdenum
- Q2435: Technetium
- Q2436: Ruthenium
- Q2437: Rhodium
- Q2438: Palladium
- Q2439: Silver
- Q2440: Cadmium
- Q2441: Indium
- Q2442: Tin
- Q2444: Tellurium
- Q2445: Iodine
- Q2446: Xenon
- Q2447: Cesium
- Q2448: Barium
- Q2449: Lanthanum
- Q2450: Cerium
- Q2451: Praseodymium
- Q2452: Neodymium
- Q2453: Promethium
- Q2454: Samarium
- Q2455: Europium
- Q2456: Gadolinium
- Q2457: Terbium
- Q2458: Dysprosium
- Q2459: Holmium
- Q2460: Erbium
- Q2461: Thulium
- Q2462: Ytterbium
- Q2463: Lutetium
- Q2464: Hafnium
- Q2465: Tantalum
- Q2466: Tungsten
- Q2467: Rhenium
- Q2468: Osmium
- Q2469: Iridium
- Q2470: Platinum
- Q2471: Gold
- Q2472: Mercury
- Q2473: Thallium
- Q2474: Lead
- Q2475: Bismuth
- Q2476: Polonium
- Q2477: Astatine
- Q2478: Radon
- Q2479: Francium
- Q2480: Radium
- Q2481: Actinium
- Q2482: Thorium
- Q2483: Protactinium
- Q2484: Uranium
- Q2485: Neptunium
- Q2486: Plutonium