Revision as of 08:10, 21 November 2019 by MediaWiki default (talk | contribs)
This vocabulary can be queried by SPARQL at the query service.
# Sample query: Narrower concepts of `material types` where both enlabel and jalabel exist
SELECT ?item ?enlabel ?jalabel
?item wdt:P8 wd:Q26.
?item rdfs:label ?enlabel FILTER (LANG(?enlabel) = "en") .
?item rdfs:label ?jalabel FILTER (LANG(?jalabel) = "ja") .
ORDER BY ?enlabel
Implemented in the batch system
Query 01: 語彙定義
# DPFC vocabulary delivery query 01 version 2019-08-21
SELECT ?linetype ?itemid ?dictid ?item ?enlabel ?jalabel ?datemodified
VALUES ?urlbase {""}
VALUES ?linetype {"01"}
# Labels
OPTIONAL {?item rdfs:label ?enlabel FILTER (LANG(?enlabel) = "en") .}
OPTIONAL {?item rdfs:label ?jalabel FILTER (LANG(?jalabel) = "ja") .}
# Belongs to which dictionary
OPTIONAL {?item wdt:P11 ?dict.}
# Last modified timestamp
?item schema:dateModified ?datemodified .
# Exclude properties
FILTER NOT EXISTS {?item rdf:type <>}
# Post-process
BIND (STRAFTER (STR(?item), ?urlbase) AS ?itemid)
BIND (STRAFTER (STR(?dict), ?urlbase) AS ?dictid)
# Fallback to preset string if no dictionary is defined?
# BIND (IF (BOUND(?dict), STRAFTER (STR(?dict), ?urlbase), "common") AS ?dictid)
# Wikibase Label Service not used for now
# SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en,ja" . }
ORDER BY ?itemid