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NIMS Thermophysical Property DB Project Dictionary
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NIMS Thermophysical Property DB Project Dictionary
Q3518: NIMS Thermophysical Property DB Project Dictionary
Q3518: NIMS Thermophysical Property DB Project Dictionary
Q3520: Alloy
Q3520: Alloy
Q3524: Ag42In42Yb16
Q3527: B36Ti19Ru45
Q3528: B38Ti14Ru48
Q3529: B38Ti15Ru47
Q3530: B39Ti12Ru49
Q3531: B3Ru2
Q3532: B4Ti2Ru5
Q3533: B8Ru11
Q3534: Ba10Ge90
Q3535: Ba17Ge83
Q3536: Ba38Ti15.5Ru46.5
Q3537: Ba5Ge95
Q3538: Ba6Ge25
Q3539: Ba8Ge34
Q3540: BaGe2
Q3546: Fe25Ni75
Q3547: Fe50Ni50
Q3548: Fe75Ni25
Q3570: Si-10at%Y
Q3571: Si-15at%Ti
Q3572: Si-18at%Cr
Q3573: Si-40at%Cr
Q3574: Si-50at%Cr
Q3584: Zr45Cu40Al15
Q3585: Zr46Cu30.14Al8.36Al8Be7.5
Q3586: Zr50Cu35Al15
Q3587: Zr50Cu40Al10
Q3588: Zr50Cu45Al5
Q3589: Zr50Fe50
Q3590: Zr55Cu30Al10Ni5
Q3591: Zr55Cu35Al10
Q3592: Zr55Cu40Al5
Q3594: Zr60Cu30Al10
Q3596: Zr65Cu20Al10Ni5
Q3597: Zr76Fe24
Q3598: Zr76Ni24
Q3599: Zr77Cr23
Q3601: Zr88Fe12
Q3602: Zr88Ni12
Q3609: Cr-Co-Mo-LC
Q3610: Cr-Co-Mo-HC
Q3613: Ni-25at%Ti
Q3614: Ni-50at%Ti
Q3615: Ni-75at%Ti
Q3618: Ni-10at%Ti
Q3619: Ni-40at%Ti
Q3620: Ni-30at%Ti
Q3621: Ni-60at%Ti
Q3521: Ceramic
Q3521: Ceramic
Q3523: 99.9%BaTiO3
Q3525: Al2O3
Q3541: BiFeO3
Q3542: CaF2
Q3545: Er2O3
Q3549: FeO
Q3551: Gd2O3
Q3553: Ho2O3
Q3559: Nd-doped 50%CaO-50%Al2O3
Q3575: Slag
Q3578: Tb2O3
Q3593: Zr57O43
Q3595: Zr64O36
Q3600: Zr80O20
Q3603: Zr90O10
Q3611: Tm2O3
Q3612: Ga2O3
Q3616: Lu2O3
Q3617: Yb2O3
Q3622: Y2O3
Q3932: 66.7mol%Y2O3-33.3mol%Al2O3
Q3933: 50mol%Y2O3-50mol%Al2O3
Q3934: 45mol%Y2O3-55mol%Al2O3
Q3935: 37.5mol%Y2O3-62.5mol%Al2O3
Q3936: 23.5mol%Y2O3-76.5mol%Al2O3
Q3937: 18.5mol%Y2O3-81.5mol%Al2O3
Q3938: 30mol%MgO-70mol%SiO2
Q3939: 40mol%MgO-60mol%SiO2
Q3940: 50mol%MgO-50mol%SiO2
Q3941: 60mol%MgO-40mol%SiO2
Q3942: 66.7mol%MgO-33.3mol%SiO2
Q3943: 70mol%MgO-30mol%SiO2
Q3522: Metal
Q3522: Metal
Q3526: B
Q3543: Ce
Q3544: Co
Q3550: Gd
Q3552: Hf-3wt%Zr
Q3554: Ir
Q3555: La
Q3556: Mo
Q3557: Nb
Q3558: Nd
Q3560: Ni
Q3561: Os
Q3562: Pd
Q3563: Pr
Q3564: Pt
Q3565: Re
Q3566: Rh
Q3567: Ru
Q3568: Sc
Q3569: Si
Q3576: Ta
Q3577: Tb
Q3579: Ti
Q3580: V
Q3581: W
Q3582: Y
Q3583: Zr